
Politics 05-11-2021

Tweets of the Week: G20, COP26, Council of Europe

Leaders toss coin for photo-op, It’s not easy getting into COP and Council of Europe debate, please just stop. 

COP26: Will it be different this time?

After being delayed for a year due to the COVID-19 crisis, the United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP26, will take place in Glasgow from 1 - 12 November 2021. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres described 2021 as a “make or break …

Maroš Šefčovič
Economy 20-07-2016

Sefcovic: Lifting of sanctions ‘should be used for more business deals with Iran’

European Commission Vice-President, Maroš Šefčovič said on Wednesday (20 July) that the institution “wants to make sure that the lifting of sanctions could be used for exploring the development of commercial ties" with Iran.

Federica Mogherini
Global Europe 18-07-2016

Mogherini on Turkey: ‘No country can become an EU member state if it introduces the death penalty’

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Federica Mogherini stressed on Monday (18 July) that “no country can become an EU member state if it introduces the death penalty”, after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said on Sunday that the country should reintroduce capital punishment after last week’s attempted coup.

EU Priorities 2020 27-05-2015

Ban Ki-moon on migration crisis: EU member states must show compassion

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon urged European countries to “show compassion” and to do more to help migrants.

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Technology 27-03-2015

Open Data: The Next Frontier

Robert D. Atkinson, president and founder of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, discusses ITIF's latest publication, Open Data in the G8: A Review of Progress on the G8 Open Data Charter. The paper was launched at the High-Level Roundtable on Open Data, hosted by the Lisbon Council, a Brussels-based think tank.

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Europe’s diplomatic service inefficient, say EU Auditors

EU auditors warned on Monday that the European External Action Service should increase its efficiency and do more for the EU and its citizens.

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Europe's East 05-06-2014

Obama gives ‘2,3,4 weeks’ to Putin before imposing further sanctions

Speaking to journalists after the G7 Summit in Brussels on Thursday, US President Barack Obama said that world leaders “will have the chance to see what Mr. Putin does over the next 2,3.4 weeks and if he remains on the current course, we have already indicated the kinds of actions that we are prepared to take.”

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Europe's East 05-06-2014

Obama ‘concerned’ over France’s war ship sale to Russia

Speaking to journalists after the G7 Summit in Brussels on Thursday, US President Barack Obama said that he 'has express some concerns' over France's selling of warships to Russia.

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Brexit 05-06-2014

Cameron: I don’t want to see Britain drifting towards an EU exit

Speaking to journalists after the G7 Summit in Brussels on Thursday, UK's Prime Minister Davod Cameron said that the rise of anti-European parties in the last EU elections show the need for the EU to reform and change.

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Europe's East 05-06-2014

G7 leaders threaten Russia with tougher sanctions over Ukraine

In their first meeting without Russia in 17 years, G7 leaders threatened Moscow with further sanctions if it does not help restore stability in eastern Ukraine.

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Global Europe 04-06-2014

G7 to urge Russia to ‘lay down’ energy as political weapon

President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso said on Wednesday that the G7 will urge Russia to 'lay down' energy as a political weapon.

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Global Europe 04-06-2014

Obama arrives in Brussels for G7 meeting

US President Barack Obama arrived in Brussels on Wednesday afternoon for a meeting with the 7 world's leading industrialised nations. For the first time in 17 years, the G7 will meet without Russia, leaving President Vladimir Putin out of the talks in retaliation for his seizure of Crimea and Russia's role in destabilising eastern Ukraine.

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Europe's East 25-03-2014

World leaders cancel G8 Sochi summit, warn Russia of tougher sanctions

It's the first time since Russia joined the G8 in 1998 that it will have been shut out of the annual summit of industrialised countries.

Special ReportPromoted content
Agrifood 27-02-2014

UN Global Compact: Consultation on the Food and Agriculture Business Principles, Brussels

The Consultation on the Food and Agriculture Business Principles (FAB Principles) was hosted by Paolo De Castro, Chair of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Parliament, in Brussels on 11 February 2014.


To advance the positive impact that business can have on sustainable agriculture, the UN Global Compact is facilitating the development of voluntary FAB Principles in collaboration with the private sector, key civil society organizations and experts.


The FAB Principles will art

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Global Europe 19-12-2013

UN heads, EU call for humanitarian ceasefire in Syria

The European Commission signed on Wednesday three major contracts with United Nations agencies totalling €147 million to deliver vitally needed aid to people directly affected by the Syrian crisis.

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Enlargement 04-11-2013

Commission condemns violence in Kosovo on election day

The European Commission condemned the violent episode that took place in northern Kosovo on Sunday, as the Balkan country went to the polls in what was seen an election designed to help end years of de facto ethnic partition.
Undermining a fragile EU-pact between the Balkan country and Serbia, masked men burst into three schools housing polling stations on the Serb side, lobbing tear gas and smashing ballot boxes in the ethnically-divided town of Mitrovica, a volatile Serb pocket of northern Kosovo.

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Global Europe 29-08-2013

European Commission on UK’s decision to delay strike against Syria

Prime Minister David Cameron was forced yesterday (28 August) to push back his plans for an imminent military strike against Syria in a humiliating climb-down for Britain's leader after coming under fierce domestic and international pressure.
Just a day after recalling Britain's parliament to vote on how to respond to Syria's suspected use of chemical weapons, Cameron was ambushed when the opposition Labour party said it wanted greater parliamentary scrutiny and rebel lawmakers in his own ruling Conservative party said they would oppose him.

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Global Europe 27-08-2013

US ‘ready’ to launch military attack against Syria, says Hagel

US forces are 'ready' to launch an attack on Syria at President Barack Obama's command. That's what US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel told the BBC on Tuesday adding to mounting speculation of a possible imminent military intervention by Western countries.
The comments came after US Secretary of State John Kerry said on Monday that it is 'undeniable' that the Syrian government used chemical weapons against civilians last week, even though Bashar Al-assad strongly denies it.

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Global Europe 27-08-2013

US John Kerry on Syria: chemical weapons attack is ‘a moral obscenity’

The US put Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on notice yesterday (26 August) that it believes he was responsible for using chemical weapons against civilians last week, in what Secretary of State John Kerry called a "moral obscenity."
"President [Barack] Obama believes there must be accountability for those who would use the world's most heinous weapons against the world's most vulnerable people," Kerry said in the most forceful US reaction yet to the 21 August attack (see background).

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Enlargement 09-04-2013

EU urges Serbia to make ‘last effort’ in negotiations with Kosovo

Serbia has rejected a European Union-brokered plan to tackle the ethnic partition of its former province Kosovo, a move that could hurt Belgrade's hopes of starting membership talks with the bloc.

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Development 22-03-2013

Austerity driven Europe could miss UN development goals

Eradicate extreme poverty, achieve universal primary education and combat HIV. These are only a few of the proposals made by the UN in 2000 to free people from multiple deprivations. This pledge turned into the eight Millennium Development Goals.
13 years later, as Europe lives on of the worst crisis in decades, economic and fiscal pressure will see many member states missing their targets in fighting poverty reduction. Europe fears that foreign aid will be among the first casualties of long-term austerity measures.

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Electricity 16-04-2012

EU seeks wider access to sustainable energy, calls on private sector

Providing access to sustainable energy to an additional 500 million people by 2030.
That's the aim of "Energizing Development", a new initiative unveiled by the European Commission on Monday. With a budget of 50 million euros, the EU will give technical advice to those developing countries who choose to participate in the programme.
Led by the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, the plan also seeks to improve energy efficiency and double the amount of renewable energy currently used.