Middle East

Politics 21-05-2021

Tweets of the Week: Hungarian Block, Eurovision, Commission Press Plans

Hungary statement veto is met with derision, get out the glitter it’s time for Eurovision, and Commission and press corps on course for collision. 

Politics 11-05-2018

Tweets of the Week: Trump Iran tears, Europe Day cheers, and Eurovision jeers

Worry over Trump’s Iran decision, Europe Day prompts love for the EU mission, and people go nuts over this year’s Eurovision.

Tweets of the Week, Episode 12
Brexit 21-07-2017

Tweets of the Week: Brexit negotiations, rule of law, and Belgian fries

Brexit talks are underway, rule of law goes astray, but Belgian fries are here to stay.

Global Europe 18-05-2017

The story of an 18-year-old refugee from Iraq

Hassan was in Kirkuk when a bomb exploded in a nearby building. He was with some friends. They entered to see if they can help. A machine gun opened fire on them. His companions died. He is now 18 and calls Romania his home. Hassan spoke to EURACTIV.ro

Central Europe 27-04-2017

Syrian refugee in Romania: ISIS banned chemistry and biology

In recent years, the Syrian community in Romania grew due to the ongoing civil war. They say they like Romania. They have their school there. But still, the refugees wish to eventually return home, they told EURACTIV.ro.

Global Europe 21-03-2017

Making a stop in Serbia, part I: The killer journey

Every day, hundreds of refugees enter Serbia. Most of them hope to cross to Hungary and eventually reach the West. But Syrians, Iraqis, and Afghans arrive only to get stuck at the border. EURACTIV Romania reports.

Justice 15-03-2017

From Syria to Bulgaria, part II: ‘Now, I am a teacher in Sofia’

Elias now lives in Sofia, the capital city of Bulgaria – a country that when it first greeted him was not at all prepared to receive and care for him and the many others like him. EURACTIV Romania reports.

Central Europe 14-03-2017

From Syria to Bulgaria, part I: Escaping death

Some years ago, an ambitious Kurd from a village in northern Syria won a scholarship to study abroad. He ended up in Havana, where he learned Spanish. Elias later returned to Syria, where he became a translator at the state news agency, SANA. EURACTIV Romania reports.

Global Europe 27-02-2017

The Presidency: Migration mayday

The seasons are changing. As the weather gets better, Europe's migration crisis gets worse. In a year of critical elections, Malta brings its frontline Mediterranean experience to the leadership of the presidency of the European Union.

Kader Sevinç
Global Europe 02-09-2016

Turkish opposition: ‘The EU’s weak reaction to the failed coup disappointed all Turks’

The failed coup attempt seems to have ended political polarisation in Turkey. Europe’s weak reaction was a big disappointment for all Turks, says Kader Sevinç, the EU representative of the country's largest opposition party, the secularist Republican Party of Turkey (CHP).

Maroš Šefčovič
Economy 20-07-2016

Sefcovic: Lifting of sanctions ‘should be used for more business deals with Iran’

European Commission Vice-President, Maroš Šefčovič said on Wednesday (20 July) that the institution “wants to make sure that the lifting of sanctions could be used for exploring the development of commercial ties" with Iran.

Federica Mogherini
Global Europe 18-07-2016

Mogherini on Turkey: ‘No country can become an EU member state if it introduces the death penalty’

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Federica Mogherini stressed on Monday (18 July) that “no country can become an EU member state if it introduces the death penalty”, after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said on Sunday that the country should reintroduce capital punishment after last week’s attempted coup.

Jean-Claude Juncker
Justice 24-03-2016

Juncker after Brussels terror attacks: ‘We need a Security Union’

“We feel we need a Capital Market Union, Energy Union, Economic and Monetary Union but we also think we need security union”, stressed Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker on Wednesday (23 March), after terrorist attacks killed 31 and left over 200 injured on Tuesday (22 March) in Brussels.

Minute of silenece for victims of Brussels attacks
Justice 23-03-2016

Commission, Belgian PM, and King hold a minute of silence for Brussels terror victims

Belgium’s King Philippe, together with his wife, joined European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, and Prime Minister Charles Michel, on Wednesday (23 March) at Berlaymont, to observe a minute of silence for the victims of Tuesday's terrorist attacks (22 March).

Margaritis Schinas
Justice 21-03-2016

Commission has ‘no time’ for moral questions on migrant swap deal

The European Commission today knocked back questions over the morality of the EU’s deal with Turkey, which will see a controversial swap of so-called irregular migrants in Greece with asylum seekers in Turkey.

Promoted content
EU Priorities 2020 18-03-2016

EPP Summit 17 March 2016

Summit, 17 March: EPP stands united on the EU-Turkey agreement.

George Friedman: The EU will exist and sink into irrelevance

American political scientist and author and former chief intelligence officer George Friedman told EURACTIV that “the EU has failed, but there is no clear alternative”.

Global Europe 23-09-2015

Cameron pledges £100 million to help Syria

"When it comes to Syria, Britain has already given over a billion pounds. Today I can announce we will commit another £100 million (about €136 million) including £40 million pounds for the vital World Food Programme,” British Prime Minister David Cameron said upon his arrival at an extraordinary EU summit in Brussels on Wednesday (23 September).

Justice 09-09-2015

MEPs debate migrant crisis after Juncker’s State of the Union address

On Wednesday (9 September), MEPs held a heated debate on how to tackle the refugee crisis in Europe after European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker delivered his first ever State of the Union Speech in Strasbourg.

Justice 09-09-2015

Juncker calls for the redistribution of 160,000 refugees

“160,000 is the number of refugees Europe should take in its arms,” European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said during his first ever State of the Union speech in Strasbourg on Wednesday (9 September).

Energy 14-07-2015

Mogherini on Iran nuclear deal: ‘This is a historic day’

“This achievement is the result of a collective effort. No one ever thought it would be easy. Historic decisions never are,” said EU Foreign Affairs chief Federica Mogherini after Iran and six major world powers including the EU reached a nuclear deal on Tuesday.

Global Europe 26-05-2015

My husband, Raif Badawi, faces death for blogging

Raif Badawi is the Saudi Arabian blogger imprisoned for ten years and sentenced to 1,000 lashes, after being arrested on charges of insulting Islam on a website.

Promoted content
Energy 26-02-2015

Will Energy Union give business to abusers of human rights?

Turkey, Algeria, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and “other potential suppliers in the Middle East and Africa” were named in yesterday’s (25 February) Commission communication on Energy Union. EURACTIV understands that Iran and Iraq is also part of the Commission’s long-term thinking, as it searches for alternative suppliers of gas to Russia.  

Promoted content
Energy 15-01-2015

Šef?ovi? ‘very surprised’ at Russia’s decision to cut EU gas supply via Ukraine

EU Energy Commissioner Maroš Šef?ovi? said he was 'very surprised' after Russia announced it would shift all its gas transit from Ukraine to Turkey, and that EU customers should buy this gas at the border with Greece.