

Cohesion Policy – Dialogue between key actors

Cohesion Policy is the EU’s main investment policy. It targets all regions and cities in the European Union in order to support job creation, business competitiveness, economic growth, sustainable development, and improve citizens’ quality of life.

Special ReportPromoted content

Decentralised cooperation gets results: the PLATFORMA coalition is there to prove it!

Discover concrete examples of what city-to-city and region-to-region development cooperation can bring to cities and regions from the EU and partner countries.

EU-Africa 28-09-2018

EU-Africa relations: Time for a reset?

Africa and Europe are interconnected by close geographical, business and historical ties. After years during which it received less attention, Africa now tops the European Union political agenda.


‘Water, women and waste’ are our development priorities, says Coca-Cola SVP

In an interview at the European Development Days in Brussels, Perez underlined Coca-Cola's hopes to work with the EU on its flagship External Investment Plan that seeks to build partnerships between local communities, governments, and the private sector.


Ethiopian ambassador: Development partners should work in term with our policies

Ethiopia’s Ambassador Teshome Toga Chanaka spoke to EURACTIV’s Georgi Gotev in a video interview: “We don’t believe in imposition of development policies because something that is imposed without your will won’t last long.  This is exactly what has happened in the past in Africa and Ethiopia would like to see that come to an end."


Development through agriculture, the farmer’s way

Belgian farmer Remy Schiffeleers founded the association "Farmers Without Borders" 30 years ago, inviting young farmers from Benin, Senegal, Mali come to Belgium and learn how to produce goat cheese.


Solar energy in an app to power Africa

The French company "Sunna design", based in Bordeaux, produces solar panels for public lighting in several countries around the world.

Economy 23-11-2017

Cash and non-cash assistance in humanitarian aid and development

Some 125 million people worldwide are currently dependent on emergency aid as a consequence of war, instability, inequality and natural disasters.


EU foreign affairs: Militarising EU development aid; Minsk 2.0; and freezing out Erdogan.

Will the militarisation of the EU's development aid get sent back to base by the ECJ? Should the EU push for a new Minsk implementation schedule?


‘Partnerships in development’: We can do it

EURACTIV invited Emma Marcegaglia, President of BusinessEurope, Jacqueline Mugo, Secretary General of Business Africa, Pierre Gattaz, President of Medef, the largest employer federation of France, and Klaus Rudischhauser, EU Commission Deputy Director-General for International Cooperation and Development , to discuss the role of public-private partnerships in development.

The UK General Election, Development Days, and EU defence
Brexit 09-06-2017

Tweets of the Week: UK election, Development Days, and EU defence

Good morning to all of you who had a sleepless night watching the UK General Election! As well as #GE2017, this week we also kept an eye on European Development Days and the future of European defence.

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Taking Action: One year on from COP21 and the launch of the SDGs
Economy 13-02-2017

Taking Action: One year on from COP21 and the launch of the SDGs

Cooperation to achieve key sustainability goals were at the heart of debates at a Brussels conference on 6 December 2016 hosted by CSR Europe in cooperation with Huawei.

Renata Dubini

America’s own refugee crisis prompts UN call to action

Europe isn’t the only region facing a refugee crisis. Rising levels of violence in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras - the so-called ‘Northern Triangle’ – is causing displacement in Central and North America, said Renata Dubini, Director of the UN Refugee Agency’s Bureau for the Americas.

Climate change 31-12-2015

How does climate change hit poor countries?

In 2015, the world reached a historic deal to limit the temperature rise below 2 degrees celsius.

Agrifood 12-10-2015

Food for thought: Reducing food waste

In 2050, over 9 billion people will live on this planet and feeding them will be a challenge. Increasing food availability has always been the main solution to achieve a food secured future.

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10 Pledges for a world of Solidarity and Development

This weekend the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has been adopted in New York by the Heads of State and Government and High Representatives.

Agrifood 08-07-2015

Europe’s coffee trade: Grounds for reform?

Coffee is one of the most traded commodities in the world. 1.6 billion cups are consumed every day and the global market is worth 64 billion euros. But do coffee farmers get a fair share of the profits?

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United Nations World Food Programme calls for donations for the Nepal emergency

Two devastating earthquakes in Nepal have left millions of survivors in dire need of food assistance. The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide, has already reached almost two million people but there is much more that must be done.


Aid should reach the poorest people first

A new funding plan to deliver basic health and education for everyone is essential to end extreme poverty, according to The ONE Campaign’s DATA Report 2015: Putting the Poorest First. The report was launched today (26 May), in advance of theForeign Affairs Council on Development held the same day.


UNICEF: Aid for Nepal needs to move faster

“The biggest challenge is getting in more supplies,” said UNICEF Crisis Communications Chief Sarah Crowe in an interview with EURACTIV, after over 5000 people died in a massive earthquake in Nepal last week .


World Trade Agency chief: Let trade work for small businesses, women

The executive director of the International Trade Centre has told EURACTIV that the European Commission’s review of trade policy is a chance to give women and small businesses a greater role in trade relations.

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Economy 01-04-2015

Kiviniemi: ‘If we decrease the gender gap by 50%, GDP would be 6% bigger’

"If we, for example, in the OECD countries, would decrease the gender gap in labour force participation by 50%, by 2030, the GDP would be 6% bigger,” said former Finnish Prime Minister Mari Kiviniemi at the Women In Parliaments Global Forum Summit in Ethiopia.


Illicit Financial Flows and development aid

In February, a team of journalists exposed a tax evasion system used by the Swiss subsidiary of HSBC.

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Banda: EU support was key in fight against corruption in Malawi

At the Women In Parliaments Global Forum Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, former Malawian President Joyce Hilda Banda spoke exclusively with EURACTIV's Rick Zednik about the support she received from EU officials in rebuilding her country's economy.