Sustainable Packaging

Advocacy Lab Content

Policy Triangle on the PPWR

In this first discussion, supported by ACE, we delved into the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive (PPWR). We're thrilled to host three experts on this file, Aurel Ciobanu-Dordea from the European Commission, Larissa Copello from Zero Waste Europe, and Annick Carpentier from ACE.

Meeting European Targets: The Journey to 100% Recyclable Packaging

The European Commission wants ALL packaging recyclable by 2030. A reduction in waste is also targeted, along with increased reuse and refill. But is the food and beverage industry on course to do its part to meet those European targets? Well …

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Challenging Packaging Practices: Recyclable Cardboard vs Reusable Crates

Replacing recyclable cardboard with reusable crates would increase the environmental impact of packaging and go against the spirit of the EU Green Deal. FEFCO prepared a video to dive deep into this issue and explore the many unintended consequences of reuse.

Circular economy 27-11-2017

Reducing food waste: What role for packaging?

It is estimated that, every year, around 88 million tonnes of food are wasted in the EU, a number which is expected to rise to approximately 126 million tonnes by 2020, if no immediate action is taken.

Circular economy 22-03-2017

Packaging in the circular economy: A sustainable business ?

In December 2015, the European Commission presented a new Circular Economy Package that will impact a wide range of sectors, including packaging

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Circular economy targets to stay the same, says Vella

Environment Commissioner Karmenu Vella Tuesday (31 March) signalled that the European Commission’s resubmitted Circular Economy package would encourage recycling and discourage landfill.

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Agrifood 18-12-2014

Food waste prevention: what’s packaging got to do with it?

Food waste is a largely underestimated problem: Globally, about one third of food produced is wasted. In Europe, this amounts to 90 million tonnes every year. More than 40% of European food waste comes from households, of which 60% is avoidable.

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Towards a Resource Efficient Europe – EPR for packaging waste

The European Commission is reviewing European Waste legislation in line with the EU Resource Efficiency objectives. This review includes a revision of the waste management targets and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) as one key policy tool to achieve existing and higher recycling and recovery targets for packaging waste.

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Agrifood 12-06-2012

Food Waste: Cutting losses along the supply chain

In response to the European Commission's study that estimated annual food waste in the EU at approximately 179kg per person, the European Parliament adopted a resolution in January 2012 on how to avoid food waste.
The resolution is aimed at identifying a series of strategies for a more efficient food chain in the EU. Among these strategies, the design of new packaging that will increase longevity of goods plays an important role.
How achievable is the 50% reduction of food waste by 2025? What measures should be taken to reach this objective?