Industrial decarbonisation

How to decarbonise heavy industry: From quick wins to long-term solutions

The steel industry is a major contributor to the overall CO2 emissions worldwide, and, therefore, a significant driver of climate change. The sector generated about 2 billion tons of CO2 in 2018, according to the International Energy Agency, which is double the volume of 2000.

Decarbonisation of LNG – Expanding the pathway for clean energy sources in Europe?

The EU LNG import terminals currently import LNG that consists of methane of fossil origin. LNG produces lower CO2 emissions than most fossil fuels and has a low level of methane leakages in the long term. However, they need to …

Energy 08-11-2019

Renewable gases: Where do they stand in the EU’s 2050 energy roadmap?

Widely accepted as a “transition fuel” until 2030 to help wean Europe from coal, gas is also positioning itself as a clean fuel beyond that date. But meeting the EU’s 2050 climate goals will require a deep transformation of the sector, amid growing competition from solar and wind power.

Working towards a balanced energy mix: What role for hydrogen?
Energy 26-06-2019

Working towards a balanced energy mix: What role for hydrogen?

Hydrogen can store and deliver energy in a widely useable form, and it is one of the most promising alternative fuels for future energy applications. It is possible to produce it pollution-free, without carbon dioxide emissions and it decreases dependence on dwindling oil reserves.

Ian Duncan

Ian Duncan and the best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men

EURACTIV’s Brian Maguire chats with Scottish MEP Ian Duncan, the Conservatives spokesman for energy and climate change in the European Parliament, in the latest in ‘Over A Beer’ video series.

Electricity 16-07-2015

Commission presents Climate and Energy Summer Package

“This proposal shows that our commitment to low-carbon growth is a lot more than hot air,” said EU Commissioner for Energy and Climate Action Miguel Arias Cañete.