Heating & cooling

Cogeneration and district heating: An enabler of the green transition?

According to a recent study, cogeneration or, as it is also called, Combined Heat and Power (CHP) in district heating, is thought to be an efficient enabler for reaching carbon neutrality by 2050.

Consumer behaviour & climate change: Can heating make a difference?

The planet is heating up fast. Whichever predictions you read, the consequences look serious.

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Energy 18-10-2019

Decarbonising district energy for our cities

Euroheat & Power has come forward with a commitment to full decarbonisation of Europe’s district heating and cooling networks before 2050 but Managing Director Paul Voss wants everyone to know he’s not proud of it.

Energy 15-10-2019

Accelerating integrated energy systems for a climate-neutral EU

Achieving the EU climate objectives requires a complete transformation of our energy systems. To get there, we need to take a holistic approach, and to maximise synergies between sectors and systems.

Energy 21-06-2018

The Future of Cooling: Implications for Energy and the Environment

The demand for space cooling in buildings is expected to grow exponentially in the coming decades.

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Energy Union, Heating and Cooling, Consumers
Energy 16-06-2016

Energy Union, Heating & Cooling, Consumers?

Around 40% of energy used in the EU is consumed in buildings, of which 80% is used for heating and cooling.

Energy 16-02-2016

Commission launches heating and cooling strategy

The European Commission presented the first EU initiative addressing the energy used for heating and cooling in buildings and industry.

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Energy 29-01-2016

Are car emissions tests fit for the scope?

European decision makers should support a review of the test cycle to better reflect real-driving conditions and ensure that CO2 saving technologies are adequately reflected in official CO2 emissions data.