
NGO’s ‘set fire’ to protest use of forest biomass

On Monday (November 15) a group of activists gathered in front of the European Parliament in Brussels to protest against production of bioenergy in Europe by burning wood.

Energy 14-12-2020

Offshore wind power: How to unlock the necessary investments?

The European Commission estimates up to 450 GW of offshore wind power is needed by 2050 for Europe to deliver climate neutrality. Electricity will represent at least 50% of the total energy mix in 2050 and 30% of the future …

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The benefits of Capacity Mechanisms

Understanding the benefits of capacity mechanisms for social welfare

A growing number of EU Member States have set up Capacity Mechanisms in recent years, as a way of ensuring the investments that are necessary for long term security of supply.


Regulated energy prices: The end of an era?

Many European countries have various types of limits on gas and electricity prices paid by consumers, a legacy inherited from the post-war period.


EU’s Clean Energy Package: Are we on the right track?

In November 2016, the European Commission presented eight legislative proposals as part of its “Clean Energy for All Europeans” package. Two of those cover the Electricity Market Design, with the goal of making it more consumer-oriented, competitive, flexible and innovative. Discussion …


System flexibility as the key to a decarbonised and resilient European power system

In a decentralising energy system where the proportion of renewable energy penetration increases, enabling greater system flexibility of the EU energy market is crucial.

Energy 06-03-2018

Irish minister: We are the global leaders in taking variable renewable electricity onto the grid

The Irish electricity is now able to cope with 65% of electricity coming from intermittent electricity sources like wind and solar – an expertise Energy Minister Denis Naugthen believes can be replicated on a larger scale as Europe moves towards 50% renewable power by 2030.

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eurelectric: Powering People

Electricity is key to tackling some of the most urgent societal challenges like climate change, pollution in cities and depletion of natural resources.

Development 19-12-2017

Solar energy in an app to power Africa

The French company "Sunna design", based in Bordeaux, produces solar panels for public lighting in several countries around the world.

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How do we keep the lights on in Europe ?

How the capacity markets should be designed to avoid blackouts and to ensure energy security ?

Electricity market design: A step in the right direction?

The European Commission announced proposals for EU energy market design, including electricity, at the end of 2016. Its aim is to make the electricity market more flexible, green and innovative.

Under Pressure:Will the Paris Agreement spell the end of the fossil fuel industry?
Climate change 27-03-2017

Under Pressure: Will the Paris Agreement spell the end of the fossil fuel industry?

The Paris Agreement on climate change is a landmark international agreement which caps global warming. Many campaigners argue that the United Nations deal spells the end for polluting fossil fuel industries.

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The customer and the changing energy landscape
Energy 13-06-2016

The customer and the changing energy landscape

The energy transition is bringing fundamental changes for consumers on the energy market. With the availability of new technologies, consumers gain control over their energy use, for the benefit of decarbonisation, security of supply and affordability. Iain Conn, CEO of Centrica, was …

Evangelos Mytilineos Interview

Mytilineos: Commission must have a greater role in the Greek bailout

The European Commission should play a greater role in the Greek bailout and push for reforms rather than IMF’s obsession for fiscal adjustment, Evangelos Mytilineos said in an interview with EURACTIV.

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Lighting Europe Invitation

LightingEurope – Launch of Strategic Roadmap

LightingEurope invites you to a special launch event at the Light & Building fair in Frankfurt this March.

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State of the Energy Union, one year on
Energy 25-02-2016

State of the Energy Union: Policy influencers debate the 1st year’s progress

A ranking of the top 40 policy experts with influence in EU Energy Union policy was unveiled at a debate on the “State of the Energy Union one year after its launch”.


Electricity prices in Europe

The European Commission hopes that its Energy Union strategy will make the EU's energy supply more secure, affordable and climate-friendly. But the energy market is highly fragmented, and focused on national interests.


Commission presents Climate and Energy Summer Package

“This proposal shows that our commitment to low-carbon growth is a lot more than hot air,” said EU Commissioner for Energy and Climate Action Miguel Arias Cañete.

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EU seeks wider access to sustainable energy, calls on private sector

Providing access to sustainable energy to an additional 500 million people by 2030.
That's the aim of "Energizing Development", a new initiative unveiled by the European Commission on Monday. With a budget of 50 million euros, the EU will give technical advice to those developing countries who choose to participate in the programme.
Led by the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, the plan also seeks to improve energy efficiency and double the amount of renewable energy currently used.