
Politics 27-04-2022

What are Belgians doing to help Ukrainian refugees?

Since Russia invaded Ukraine, over 5.2 million people have fled the country, UNHCR reports. The vast majority of refugees headed to the EU, entering neighbouring countries such as Poland, Slovakia, Romania and Hungary. Others relocated to other EU countries, thanks …

Europe's East 14-03-2022

Scouts and volunteers send help in Ukraine from Belgium

A group of members of the Ukrainian Scouts and volunteers in Belgium has been collecting and sending humanitarian material and military equipment in Ukraine since the start of the war.
EURACTIV meet them in their warehouse-base in Puurs.

Eastern Europe 10-03-2022

Poland: Living with Russia’s threat at the border

As war rages in Ukraine and thousands of refugees flee across the border, Poland, one of the EU and NATO's easternmost members, has stepped up to help its neighbours in a massive show of solidarity.

Europe's East 04-03-2022

‘Trains of hope’ from Ukraine

EURACTIV reports on the ground about the refugee crisis at the Polish-Ukrainian border. Przemyśl has seen hundreds of refugees cross over since the war began here. For many of them, the train they take from Kyiv or Lviv is a train …

Europe's East 03-03-2022

EU support for Ukraine

In Brussels, expressions of support for Ukraine are a daily occurrence. Euractiv spoke to citizens and MEPs focused on solidarity between people as well as nations.

Europe's East 24-02-2022

A voice from Ukraine: This is a colonial war

An emotional statement by Svitlana Zalishchuk International Affairs Advisor of NAFTOGAZ Ukraine from Kyiv.

Politics 25-06-2021

Tweets of the Week: LGBTIQ divide, EUCO, Recovery Tour

Stadium lights are not political, member states stay critical, and Von der Leyen sees it all.

COVID-19 should not become a security crisis, NATO chief warns

"We have to deal with COVID-19, but at the same time, we have to make sure that the health crisis doesn't become a security crisis," NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg told EURACTIV in an interview about NATO's crisis response and threat preparedness, China's role and the pandemic's impact on the military alliance.

Europe's East 31-01-2020

Poroshenko: More tanks in Donbas than in the German Bundeswehr

The former president of Ukraine sat down with EURACTIV warned that without the elusive ceasefire the loss of Ukrainian lives continues.

Politics 28-03-2018

Theories abound in the Russian ex-spy poisoning case

Conspiracy theories abound in the poisoning case involving a former Russia spy. EURACTIV brings you some of the most original ones as part of the “Fact or Fake” series, in partnership with France 24.

Rasmussen: EU summit should send Putin a clear message

Anders Fogh Rasmussen said that the EU should show solidarity with the UK not only with words, but also with increased sanctions.

Brexit 21-12-2017

‘Fact or Fake’: Did Russia influence the Brexit campaign on Twitter?

As Brexit throws up new twists and turns almost every day, EURACTIV's Frédéric Simon goes over some recent allegations about Russian interference in 2016's vote to leave the European Union.

Politics 15-11-2017

Over A Coffee with Petras Auštrevičius, Lithuanian MEP

Petras Auštrevičius, Lithuanian Liberal MEP, joins EURACTIV’s Brian Maguire over a coffee.

Europe's East 13-11-2017

‘Cold Eastern Winds’: An interview with Ukrainian Vice Prime Minister Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze

Ukrainian Vice Prime Minister, Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze, joined Brian Maguire in the EURACTIV Studio to discuss the Eastern Partnership Summit declaration, Ukraine’s intense reform process, the challenge of ‘Ukraine fatigue’ in Brussels, and the risks Russia continues to present along Europe’s Eastern border.

Artis Pabriks over a beer
Global Europe 06-12-2016

Artis Pabriks on Trump, Russia and martial arts

In this episode of our ‘Over A Beer’ video series, EURACTIV’s Brian Maguire chats with Latvian MEP, Artis Pabriks, the European Parliament’s chief rapporteur on CETA, Europe’s controversial trade agreement with Canada.

George Friedman: The EU will exist and sink into irrelevance

American political scientist and author and former chief intelligence officer George Friedman told EURACTIV that “the EU has failed, but there is no clear alternative”.

Brexit 20-03-2015

Juncker: I watch Euronews all night long

At the end of the EU summit on Friday, 20 March, EURACTIV Senior Editor Georgi Gotev asked Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker if he was aware that Ukraine had banned Euronews, after a controversial businessman bought the Ukrainian service.

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Energy 20-03-2015

EU links sanctions on Russia to Minsk ceasefire deal

“The duration of economic sanctions will be clearly linked to the complete implementation of the Minsk agreements,” said EU Council President Donald Tusk on Thursday after EU leaders met for the March EU Council Summit.

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Europe's East 19-03-2015

Ukraine urges EU leaders to back peacekeeping mission in Donbas

Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk has urged EU leaders to back Kiev's request to sendi an international peacekeeping mission to eastern Ukraine, where government forces are fighting pro-Russia separatists.

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Europe's East 10-03-2015

Russia wants to divide the west, Tusk tells Obama

European Council President Donald Tusk visited the White House on Monday, where he met US President Barack Obama to discuss the Ukrainian crisis, the situation in Greece and negotiations on the transatlantic trade agreement.

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Europe's East 03-03-2015

Commission condemns Russian travel bans on EU officials

The European Commission condemned on Tuesday (3 March) Russia's refusal to allow senior officials from Poland and Latvia, including an MEP, to enter the country to attend the funeral of murdered opposition politician Boris Nemtsov.

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Energy 03-03-2015

Šef?ovi?: EU gas supply ‘secure’

Commissioner for Energy Union Maroš Šef?ovi? has said that he is 'reassured' that the supply of gas to the EU markets remains 'secure.' Šef?ovi? comments came after he held trilateral gas talks with Russia and Ukraine on Monday.

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Europe's East 13-02-2015

Merkel avoids confirming amnesty for MH17 attackers

“There is no general commitment as yet that minds each and everyone, which covers each and everyone, for example, those that are guilty. But we need the results of the investigation,” German Chancellor Angela Merkel told reporters in Brussels after an EU leaders meeting on Thursday.

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Economy 13-02-2015

EU leaders give ‘cautious support’ to Ukraine’s peace plan

On Thursday, EU leaders welcomed the ceasefire agreement to end fighting in eastern Ukraine, but said they gave it 'cautious support.'