Sustainable meat

Agrifood 22-04-2021

Reducing the use of antibiotics in the meat sector

The rise of antimicrobial resistance is a looming global crisis, threatening our ability to treat common infectious diseases, resulting in prolonged illness, disability, and death.

Agrifood 13-10-2020

European meat sector: What role for poultry meat in the F2F strategy?

Poultry is the most widely consumed meat in the world, and is enjoyed by many as part of a balanced diet. But the meat sector in general has come under intense scrutiny during the coronavirus crisis and has been a bone of contention throughout ongoing debates concerning the sustainability of the EU agricultural sector.

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Health 07-01-2014

This is Fur: European Parliament, 21-23 January

Years of campaigning against the fur industry have created prejudices and myths among Europeans. The European fur sector will therefore now more than ever pro-actively focus on being a transparent and open industry, ready with facts and reliable information.

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Health 19-01-2012

EU’s new animal welfare approach under fire

The European Commission said on Thursday that it is proposing a new long-term strategy for animal welfare. It said it's new approach is a "comprehensive" plan that wants to force members states to better apply existing rules that were introduced five years ago.
Critics have repeatedly said the existing rules do not work because they lack economic incentives. The Commission now wants to introduce what it calls "cost-effective measures" to make it easier for member states to enact the European animal welfare rules.