Food labelling

Agrifood 04-11-2020

Plant-based naming and labelling: How draft regulation fits into the Farm to Fork strategy

The plant-based food market is booming in Europe and predicted to grow further in the coming years. The market is expected to increase to 2.4bn euros in 2025, from 1.5bn euros in 2018. In the EU, terms like “almond milk” or …

Agrifood 19-09-2018

Survey on organic food: What’s behind the hype?

Survey: The demand for organic products is rising in Germany. Is this all just marketing is there more behind this increase in turnover. EURACTIV Germany reports.

Agrifood 06-07-2017

European agri-food: How Spain and the EU ensure quality

The European Union has put in place strict rules that govern food quality. The prestige this has created around the world has made the bloc competitive at the highest level. EURACTIV’s partner EFEAgro reports.

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Alcohol 02-04-2015

Ingredient and Nutrition Information to Consumers: What role for alcoholic beverages?

In 2011, the European Commission adopted a new regulation on the provision of food information to consumers.

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Health 14-01-2014

MEPs want tougher sanctions over food fraud after horse meat scandal

One year after the horse meat scandal broke across Europe, the European Parliament on Tuesday called for more inspections of food production chains and tougher penalties for companies that commit food fraud.
The controversy began last year when DNA tests revealed that some products sold across Europe were labeled as beef but in fact contained up to 100% horsemeat.

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Health 17-04-2013

5% of EU beef products contain horsemeat, says EU

Horse DNA has been found in up to 5% of EU products labelled as beef, according to results published on Tuesday by the European Commission.
Additional tests on horse carcasses revealed a 0.5% contamination of phenylbutazone or 'bute', a potentially harmful drug banned from human consumption.
The Commission dismissed concerns that bute traces or horse meat consumption pose a risk to human health and called the scandal a 'food fraud'.

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Health 12-02-2013

EU ministers to meet over horse meat scandal

As the horse meat scandal spreads across Europe, EU ministers will hold a snap meeting in Brussels on Wednesday to discuss a Europe-wide response to the crisis.