CAP reform

Agrifood 07-06-2024

Wojciechowski: Agrifood sector should be spared from EU-China trade tensions

Agrifood products should be kept out of the current EU-China trade tensions as the Asian giant is a key partner for the sector, EU Agriculture Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski told Euractiv.

Advocacy Lab Content
Agrifood 04-06-2024

EU agrifood policy – Navigating the next mandate

The European Parliament elections are fast approaching, and agrifood policies have taken the spotlight following a wave of protests and demonstrations across the EU in recent months.

Agrifood 25-04-2024

Generational renewal, the EU’s unfinished business

With farmers under the age of 40 accounting for only 11.9% of farm managers in the EU in 2020, the need to ensure generational renewal is becoming a key issue in the agricultural sector.

Agrifood 18-04-2024

Organic farming in the EU – What role for a greener Europe?

Expanding organic farming and agricultural lands in the EU is at the heart of the European Green Deal’s initiatives. Organic farming uses natural substances and processes to produce food and brings environmental, economic and social benefits.

Agrifood 27-03-2024

What are Geographical Indications and what are they for?

The EU Council on Tuesday (26 March) formally adopted a revised version of the EU's Geographical Indications (GIs) regulation, which protects the names of products that come from specific regions and have specific qualities and a certain reputation through special labels.

Agrifood 21-12-2023

Action on the ground: Building sustainable food systems from the bottom up

The EU’s promised plans for an overarching sustainable food systems law may not have come to light in Brussels, but that has not stopped actors on the ground across the EU from taking action to make their own vision of a sustainable food future a reality.

Agrifood 31-10-2023

A view from the farm: From policy gaps to navigating the CAP

EURACTIV visited Sébastien Geens who, together with his brother, has taken over his mixed crop-livestock family farm in Villers-lez-Heest, a small village outside the Belgian town of Namur, to hear his thoughts about the future of farming.

Agrifood 26-06-2023

CAP reform – Is ‘social conditionality’ the answer for agri-workers?

Join this EURACTIV Virtual Conference to discuss social conditionality and its impact on the working conditions of agri-workers. How do these reforms affect farmers? Are there any potential drawbacks or unintended consequences of introducing social conditionality in the CAP? If so, what might they be, and how could they be addressed?

Co-funded by the European Union.

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Agrifood 26-05-2023

Irrigation irritation: Spain’s battle for water in Doñana

The National Park of Doñana emerges in between the Spanish Southern cities of Huelva and Sevilla. For decades, it was an oasis of biodiversity, lagoons, and marshes. Today, it is a battleground for the scarce water available. Europe's largest strawberry hotspot …

Agrifood 26-04-2023

The ‘Sustainable Use of Pesticide Regulation’ – Navigating the path to a greener EU

Join this EURACTIV Virtual Conference to learn about the proposals for a new Regulation on the Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products.
-Are these proposals comprehensive enough to reduce the bloc’s environmental footprint?
-Is a 50% reduction in the use and risk of pesticides a feasible target for Member States to achieve?

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Agrifood 31-03-2023

Voices from the field: The future of Ireland’s sustainable farming

Tucked away in the heart of Ireland in the sleepy rural village of Cloughjordan, you’ll find an eco village which hosts ‘Feeding Ourselves’, an annual gathering of farmers and environmentalists to discuss the future of sustainable agriculture. A number of farmers …

Agrifood 20-02-2023

Agriculture reserve: what is it, what does it do

Watch this video in Spanish or in Romanian. The agricultural reserve - previously the crisis reserve - was triggered last year for the first time ever to support EU farmers after the invasion of Ukraine …

Agrifood 29-11-2022

Urban farming: Feeding Brussels from supermarket rooftops

In the heart of Brussels, just five minutes away from European Parliament, you can find an urban farm tucked away on the rooftop of a supermarket. L[ag]UM is an experimental and educational research project exploring the best ways to grow vegetables …

Agrifood 31-10-2022

What is behind the EU’s fertiliser crisis?

Watch this video in Romanian or in Spanish. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has sent the price of fertilisers skyrocketing in Europe. With prices for some types of fertilisers up by almost 150%, farmers are struggling …

Agrifood 27-04-2022

How has the Ukraine war impacted the EU’s food security?

Between soaring food prices and feed shortages, the war in Ukraine has rocked the EU’s agri-food sector and thrown an age-old issue back into the limelight: food security.

Agrifood 20-10-2021

CAP reform – How will EU Member States deliver on their CAP Strategic Plans?

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform, proposed by the European Commission in June 2018, introduces a more flexible, performance and results-based approach that takes into account local conditions and needs, while increasing EU level ambitions in terms of sustainability.

Agrifood 30-09-2021

What is the current consensus on the CAP?

The EU’s farming subsidy programme, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), is relentlessly debated at the EU level.

Agrifood 09-06-2021

Shaping the agriculture of tomorrow – How can farmers and consumers benefit from a reformed CAP?

In 2020, the agricultural sector faced unprecedented challenges due to the Covid-19 crisis. From logistical issues, a shortage of workforce, to radical changes in demand, the sector showed its resilience by adapting to the different challenges. Overall, the impact of …

Agrifood 04-06-2021

A re-‘CAP’ of Common Agricultural Policy coverage

This year has been a decisive one for the reform of the EU’s farming subsidy programme, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

Agrifood 31-05-2021

CAP impact: voices from beyond EU borders

From competition with local products to the recent focus on agriculture sustainability, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) carries a lot of clout on the EU’s neighbours and trade partners. In this video reportage, EURACTIV asked agriculture stakeholders and representatives from Switzerland, …

Agrifood 27-05-2021

What’s the CAP impact on third countries?

Although Europe have abandoned the use of subsidizing export of its agricultural products, the EU’s main farming subsidies scheme continue having an impact on third countries, particularly the ones that can afford a similar direct payments system.

Agrifood 30-04-2021

Coping with climate change: crisis funds and carbon farming

Over the past few weeks, all eyes have been on France where farmers are scrambling to save their crops after a catastrophic frost swept through the country in what French agriculture minister Julien Denormandie has called …

Agrifood 30-03-2021

Free Trade Agreements and Agriculture

In this video EURACTIV takes a closer look at FTAs and what makes EU foodstuff so crucial in trade negotiations.

Agrifood 16-02-2021

Farm To Fork – Can it lead to a ‘gold-standard food system’ in Europe, focused on SDGs?

The Farm to Fork Strategy is at the heart of the European Green Deal, aiming to make food systems fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly.