Clinical trials


Allowing patients to choose could save billions

Est. 4min

The Commission’s recent musings on the social dimension of Europe touches on common drug pricing among member states. But it misses out on solutions for faster access to medicine, Fred Roeder.

Economy 15-03-2017

The Commission’s innovation confusion

Est. 5min

Unless the European Commission changes its attitude, the innovation gap between Europe and the US will likely increase, and it could be overtaken soon by China, with dire consequences for living standards, warns Philip Stevens.

Health 01-09-2016

EU’s sunbed safety assessment clouded by bias

Est. 6min

An upcoming assessment by a European Commission committee on the risks of UV radiation and sunbeds is hamstrung by in-built bias and a failure to comprehensively address all the issues, warns Frank Harbusch.

Development 23-08-2016

Brexit casts doubt over Uganda development project on lung disease

Est. 5min

The UK's vote to leave the European Union has come at a crucial moment in the development of an international medical project that throws into sharp relief the state of flux Brexit has cast over collaborative research, says Jack Barton.

Health 04-04-2013

Clinical trials directive: The Parliament’s political dilemna

Est. 11min

The most contentious political questions in the Clinical Trials Directive relate to disclosure – whether, how and when the results of clinical trials should be made public and whether pharmaceutical companies can claim ownership over the data generated by them. But if anyone owns the results of clinical trials it is the volunteers who participated, writes Jim Murray.

Health 29-04-2002

A cure for clinical trials

Est. 3min

A cure for clinical trials "Pharma companies often miss their deadlines when testing new drugs. The use of marketing techniques to manage the recruitment of patients for clinical trials could speed things up considerably." The McKinsey Quarterly, 2002 Number 2 Policy relevance: The EU …