Air Quality

Road transport 06-09-2023

Improving air quality is also a regional task

Est. 5min

To protect the health of EU citizens, the European Commission has proposed new limits for air pollutants. To improve air quality, a lot can and should be done on a regional level too, writes Winfried Hermann, transport minister of Baden-Württemberg.

Climate change 18-04-2023

The Brief — Chapeau, Mr Liese!

Est. 8min

The European Parliament has adopted the largest and most ambitious climate policy ever: the reform of the EU’s carbon market. And this was mostly thanks to a centre-right lawmaker who did what was necessary.

Coal 15-03-2023

Bulgaria’s coal giant stands on feet of clay

Est. 5min

Bulgarian politicians' gambling with the fate of people in coal regions and those affected by toxic air and the climate crisis is immoral and unacceptable, and a workable alternative for an energy future is needed, Apostol Dyankov writes.

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We need to develop the heating sector to ensure better air quality

Est. 7min

The current geopolitical crisis is of key importance for EU’s plans and strategies Due to the current geopolitical situation, all energy-related themes should also be seen in the context of the war in Ukraine. The European Union, as a community based …


Breathe in, breathe out: Europe must match global air quality standards

Est. 8min

Europe must do more to tackle much more to tackle air pollution across the continent, writes Dimitar Nikolov and Rafał Trzaskowski.

Climate change 07-12-2021

Western Balkan coal power plants are the EU’s blind spot

Est. 4min

The EU must step up action to insist that the Western Balkan countries bring down their pollution and comply with the emission requirements, write MEPs Petros Kokkalis and Viola von Cramon-Taubadel, who also propose instruments to achieve this goal.

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Winter is coming… and so is smog

Est. 6min

Winter is coming and we will soon hear more alarming stories about smog. Air pollution continues to have a significant impact on the health of European citizens, particularly in urban areas.

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How not to lose the process of transformation towards a Green Deal in Poland

Est. 7min

Contrary to established stereotypes, fundamental changes are undergoing in Poland to achieve climate neutrality in 2050. However, this will require difficult and costly changes, primarily in electricity generation, which will allow for the construction of the foundations of a zero-emission …

Transport 03-06-2021

Carmakers are killing our right to clean air

Est. 5min

The car industry has fiercely criticised proposed Euro 7 emissions standards, claiming the regulation will cripple sales. But this is just another chapter in a long history of misleading the public, writes Anna Krajinska.

Climate change 14-10-2020

EU strategy is failing to tackle the biggest methane emitter: agriculture

Est. 6min

No reduction targets, no mandatory actions to cut methane emissions at farm level, no coherence with existing climate and air quality objectives: these are some reasons why the European Commission’s Methane Strategy will fall short, writes Margherita Tolotto.

Shipping 24-08-2020

A roadmap to cut shipping emissions in the Mediterranean

Est. 5min

An emission control area for sulphur oxides in the Mediterranean is not a panacea, but it would open new possibilities for the region’s future while contributing to its health, writes Gaetano Leone.


Lifting the haze: Why air pollution action doesn’t stop at cars

Est. 5min

As Germany faces a national lawsuit on air pollution, Ugo Taddei asks: should other countries worry?

Transport 08-05-2020

Truck drivers deserve an honest discussion, away from protectionist stereotypes

Est. 5min

In the context of the COVID-19 crisis, the truck transport industry that ensures the security of supplies and food on our tables deserves praise, and an honest and transparent discussion, away from protectionist stereotypes, writes Petar Vitanov.

Future of mobility 08-05-2020

How to keep cities pollution-free after virus lockdowns lift

Est. 7min

As authorities across Europe prepare for a stepwise lift of coronavirus lockdown measures, they are facing a make-or-break moment for urban mobility. Yoann Le Petit details four proven strategies that should keep cities free of pollution as normality starts to return.

Shipping 30-04-2020

Europe should not give cruising a blank cheque

Est. 5min

The US has shut out the cruise industry from its $2 trillion pot of bailout money but in Europe, everything is still up for grabs. It should not be given a blank cheque, writes Sönke Diesener.


Challenging Bulgarian coal plants’ new waste burning obsession

Est. 6min

On Monday (March 2), a European and a Bulgarian non-governmental organisation, ClientEarth and "For Earth - Access to Justice", are filing a complaint with the European Commission in an attempt to challenge Bulgaria's new obsession of burning waste in coal …

Transport 17-06-2019

Is Madrid really about to kill Europe’s most successful clean air zone?

Est. 5min

Madrid’s clean air zone could be axed by the city’s new mayor, despite the reported benefits. Jens Müller urges the new leadership to take a look at the hard facts.

Today, the EU has used up nature’s budget for the year

Est. 5min

Did you think Europe was doing relatively well, environmentally speaking? EU Overshoot Day is your reality check. The EU elections and the response of EU leaders will be crucial to turn the tide, writes Ester Asin.

Germany’s coal phase out plans must accelerate to meet Paris goals

Est. 8min

Germany needs to phase out coal-fired power by 2030 in order to maximise the economic and social benefits of the zero-carbon transition, and deliver its commitment as part of the Paris Agreement, writes Nigel Topping.

Big fat Greek lignite sale burns EU climate policies

Est. 4min

While other EU countries, such as Germany, announce plans for coal phase-out within the next 20 years in compliance with their Paris Agreement commitments, Greece’s future appears locked in carbon for decades to come, write Demetres Karavellas and Nikos Charalambides.


Germany’s emissions fiasco – time to get priorities straight

Est. 6min

As courts continue to order diesel bans in major cities, the German government needs to stop bending over backwards to protect industry, argue Hermann Ott and Jürgen Resch.


An EU anti-smog fund for Poland

Est. 4min

Poland has some of the worst air quality in the EU. But fighting smog is expensive. The Modernisation Fund set up as part of the Emissions Trading Scheme could help here, writes Joanna Maćkowiak-Pandera.

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Transport 04-10-2018

Future cars must be lighter – time for member states to act!

Est. 4min

The Paris agreement confirmed the need for the transport sector to urgently curb its CO2 emissions drastically. The revision of the CO2 standards for cars and vans is an opportunity for to take a stand for a fully decarbonised transport system and to make Europe lead in the fight against climate change.

Climate change 01-10-2018

European public banks continue financing coal bonanza

Est. 4min

The EIB and EBRD have been channelling billions of euros in public money to fossil fuels dependent companies, hampering the international community's efforts to tackle climate change, writes Anna Roggenbuck.