Just transition

A new scheme introduced in Iceland this year requires electric car drivers to pay a tiny kilometre fee of 4cts per kilometre.
Electric vehicles 22-05-2024

As transport electrifies, governments can still make up for lost fuel duty revenues

Est. 5min

Loss of fuel duty could cost governments billions in tax revenues. William Todts, executive director at T&E, explains why, even as an environmentalist, we should be taxing electric cars

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Economy 09-10-2023

Codetermination from an economic perspective

Est. 6min

Today entire business models are under pressure and companies are testing new product portfolios in new technological directions. This analysis applies to the automotive and supplier industries in particular. Dr. Daniel Hay is the Academic Director of the Institute for …

Global Europe 22-06-2023

To tackle the climate crisis, finances need to go hand in hand with action

Est. 6min

All countries are vulnerable to the impacts of a changing climate. But their vulnerabilities are very different, with varying consequences on people, economics and the environment, writes Jorge Moreira da Silva.

Economic governance 20-10-2022

Why does the Stability and Growth Pact not promote stability or growth?

Est. 5min

As the EU's fiscal rules are being reformed, investment in green, digital and social public goods should be excluded from the debt calculations, argues André Sobczak.

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Economy 18-05-2022

A Just Transition Manifesto to save the Green Deal

Est. 7min

IndustriAll Europe’s Just Transition Manifesto makes clear demands to policymakers across Europe to ensure a transition to a green economy that is fair for all workers, and that preserves and creates good quality jobs. Failure to match our climate ambitions with equally strong social ambitions will otherwise be the downfall of the Green Deal.

Climate change 18-10-2021

Fiscal reform and why it matters for climate

Est. 4min

The EU's economic governance must drive climate action for a just transition, not austerity, writes Isabelle Brachet.

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Economy 02-08-2021

The third dimension

Est. 7min

Technological and ecological change, along with rapidly changing consumer behavior, challenges our democratic values. The quality of decisions is at stake. Worker's voice based on rights and strong representation of interests by the trade unions should play a bigger role in mastering better solutions for society!

Economy 07-06-2021

Lack of coal phase-out commitments in Eastern Europe jeopardises just transition

Est. 5min

Unambitious coal phase-out policies in central and eastern Europe threaten the just transition in the region and the European Commission should only accept plans that use the just transition fund to develop and diversify local economies for a greener future, writes Alexandru Mustață.

Why Europe must reskill workers to reach its climate goals

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The large-scale social and economic shifts caused by the clean energy transition should be managed with care, write Magnus Tyreman and Hauke Engel. A broad training effort would enable Europe to create a labour force that will thrive during the pursuit of the net-zero emissions target, they argue.

Climate change 23-07-2020

What the European Council on recovery tells us about European climate politics

Est. 5min

After five long days and nights of negotiations, European leaders struck a deal on the seven-year EU budget and “Next Generation EU” recovery plans on Tuesday. What did this European Council tell us about the politics of green and resilient recovery in the EU? Jennifer Tollman, Johanna Lehne and Rebekka Popp explain.

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Economy 17-09-2019

Workers’ participation: What Europe needs to do for its workers

Est. 5min

The EU needs to do more to strengthen workers’ rights. Otherwise workers’ voice in Europe will be in jeopardy.

The success of populism, and why it’s all about the middle class

Est. 7min

Addressing the shrinking of the middle class is crucial to fight the rise of nationalism, protectionism and populism in the next European elections, Margherita Movarelli argues.

Work vs family: how some countries lead the way in flexible working

Est. 5min

Work pressures can impact on family life as many parents may feel unable to catch up with their family responsibilities because of work commitments. These pressures are particularly dramatic for new parents. Flexible working arrangements can help ease these tensions, RAND Europe argues.

Economy 07-05-2018

Strengthening workers’ voice, legal certainty for future Social Europe

Est. 7min

A vital social democracy will play a decisive role in shaping the future of the European Union. The goal of a united Europe, contractually agreed by all EU member states, is to promote participatory democracy, writes Norbert Kluge.

Economy 04-05-2018

Longevity and the limits of the welfare state in Europe

Est. 6min

In November 2017, the EU proclaimed the European Pillar of Social Rights. However, there are still many shortcomings within the current welfare state and unless policies reflect values then plummeting fertility rates or fading solidarity between young and old will persist, writes Anna Záborská.

Economy 10-03-2017

In a new world of work, more of the same is not an option

Est. 5min

With non-traditional employment contracts now the new norm I believe it is time to take a fresh approach to the working models of the future, writes Denis Pennel.

A new world of work, a new way of looking at it

Est. 4min

A new white paper by the representative of Europe’s employment industry addresses the main issues surrounding the new world of work and calls on policymakers to adapt legislation and labour market policies in line with this new reality. Denis Pennel explains how things stand.