Education & Training

Economy 21-06-2023

Let’s build a fairer Erasmus now

Est. 5min

Grants for the Erasmus student exchange programme are not keeping pace with inflation, pricing out many poorer students - that needs to change, write Nicu Stefanuta and Juan Rayon Gonzalez.

Economy 17-04-2023

The hidden costs of unpaid internships

Est. 5min

Unpaid internships cost young Europeans over €1,000/month, deepen social inequalities, and exclude vulnerable youth; the EU needs to implement binding laws to ban unpaid internships and provide quality internships for everyone, writes Mark McNulty.

Economy 28-07-2022

Universities can stimulate a European innovation agenda

Est. 5min

EU support for the transnational European Universities alliances will help drive a network of education, research and innovation across the continent, write Mariya Gabriel and Emil Boc.

Economy 30-06-2022

EU actions to help Ukrainian pupils

Est. 5min

Welcoming Ukrainian refugees into schools and universities across Europe is a tremendous opportunity to prepare the country's youth on their European path, write Commissioners Mariya Gabriel and Margaritis Schinas, who detail the EU's support for member states and teachers.

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Economy 18-05-2022

A Just Transition Manifesto to save the Green Deal

Est. 7min

IndustriAll Europe’s Just Transition Manifesto makes clear demands to policymakers across Europe to ensure a transition to a green economy that is fair for all workers, and that preserves and creates good quality jobs. Failure to match our climate ambitions with equally strong social ambitions will otherwise be the downfall of the Green Deal.

Economy 09-05-2022

No time to lose: EU focuses on vocational skills to deliver green transition

Est. 4min

The European Commission is helping member states, companies, and workers to prepare for the massive effort of the green and digital transitions via a number of initiatives and platforms, with a particular focus on the labour market and vocational training. Commissioners Nicolas Schmit and Margaritis Schinas provide more details.

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Economy 13-12-2021

Three worrisome facts about adult learning and one proposal

Est. 6min

The Commission’s has just presented a proposal for a Council Recommendation on Individual Learning Accounts (ILAs), one of the pivotal initiatives to boost adult learning in Europe and reach the ambitious target set by the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan

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Global Europe 03-12-2021

An education “on-live” challenge from Italy

Est. 6min

A new global landscape for Higher Education is the result of the worldwide health crisis. "During the pandemic, we have attended an accelerated course into the future and for the future," said Luiss University Dean Andrea Prencipe

Global Europe 28-09-2021

Will the EU be a pawn in the pro-Israel incitement game?

Est. 7min

To truly advance peace through education, the EU bodies must distinguish between cheap manipulation designed to justify Israel’s ongoing occupation, and authentic striving for improvement, writes Dahlia Scheindlin.

Politics 20-07-2021

Bring the Erasmus Generation to the Conference on the Future of Europe

Est. 6min

The Erasmus Generation has mostly remained behind the scenes within NGOs, multinationals, and public administration. It is time for them to take on more political responsibilities and use their hands-on understanding of Europe, writes João Pinto.

Stakeholder Opinion
Cities & regions 23-06-2021

Raising awareness on what citizens can do and policy makers should do

Est. 4min

“We must be able to count on ambitious political commitment that takes into account local communities’ needs,” writes José Hila Vargas, Mayor of Palma, Balearic Island (Spain). He signs the forward of a publication on Global …

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Politics 17-06-2021

Has Covid-19 left a ‘pandemic scar’ on young people?

Est. 6min

The end is in sight. Restrictions are lifting and slowly but surely, we’re starting to feel ‘normal’ again. Across Europe and beyond, offices are starting to reopen, empty classrooms have welcomed back students, and spending time with family and friends …

Europe's East 10-06-2021

Belarus: a moment of truth for European values

Est. 5min

Firmness is the only answer to Alexander Lukashenko’s Soviet-era thuggery. But in addition to strict sanctions, those who oppose oppression need our help: psychological support and scholarships for now-exiled young activists, support for media and shelter for journalists, writes Frans Timmermans.


EU recovery funds must close gaps between education, employment, entrepreneurship

Est. 6min

The EU's recovery fund must be used to support significant investments in Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship, also known as Gen-E, write Salvatore Nigro and Andzelika Rusteikienė.

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Politics 28-05-2021

Erasmus after Brexit: what comes next for British young people?

Est. 5min

The shock announcement at the end of 2020 that the UK will be leaving the Erasmus+ Programme sparked disbelief and disappointment on both sides of the Channel.  After a chaotic year with disruption to education, jobs and wellbeing in the fallout …

Technology 13-05-2021

Education can empower the future of Europe

Est. 5min

Establishing a European Education Area will enable Europe to lead the green and digital transformations, write Mariya Gabriel and Victor Negrescu.

Special ReportPromoted content
Technology 10-11-2020

European Vocational Skills Week: jobs for the future through VET

Est. 3min

Today, the green and digital transitions are reshaping our way of life, work and interactions – and the COVID-19 outbreak has dramatically accelerated most of these changes. Nicolas Schmit is the European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights. The impact of the …

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Economy 27-10-2020

Knowledge and creativity – Building essential skills for thriving in uncertain times

Est. 4min

“NEETs in Entrepreneurship” is nowadays one of the most relevant projects in Romania, as economic and workplace environments are under tremendous pressure of digital transformation, and a good number of SMEs face closure or an urgent need for reorganization.  Ștefania E. …

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Economy 16-10-2020

No longer alone: turning ideas into successful start-ups is already a reality

Est. 4min

The health emergency caused by COVID-19 has drawn attention to flaws in the education system. Limited investments in the development of digital infrastructures as well as failing to update the most innovative learning strategies – especially digital ones – have …

Politics 18-09-2020

For the benefit of youth – for the benefit of inclusion

Est. 5min

Funding for Erasmus + should not be sacrificed as the EU gears up for its massive spending plan to combat the economic damage caused by Covid-19, writes Florian Sanden.

Economy 11-09-2020

A European Education Alliance for the future of education

Est. 6min

Two European lawmakers, Victor Negrescu and Eva Maydell, set out their plans for how a European Education Alliance can help advance education across the bloc.

Economy 29-06-2020

The new ERA must do more for gender equality

Est. 5min

As we slowly emerge from the coronavirus outbreak in Europe, one thing is clear – it has brought to the front various aspects of gender equality issues in Research and Innovation (R&I), writes Marcela Linkova.

Economy 15-05-2020

An EU ‘Marshall Plan’ for training and education

Est. 5min

In an open letter to EU leaders, civil society activists led by Raphaële Bidault-Waddington and, Marie-Hélène Caillol explain why an EU ‘Marshall’ Plan for training and education is need to avoid socio-economic collapse.

Development 12-03-2019

Here’s what the Brussels conference can do for Syria’s children

Est. 5min

The Brussels III Conference on Supporting the Future of Syria and the region kicks off today in Brussels. Delphine Moralis explains why education must be top of the agenda.