Precision farming

Agrifood 24-03-2020

Embracing innovation for a stable and secure food supply

Est. 4min

Amid the uncertainty of the coronavirus pandemic, Europe must invest in innovation to enhance food security, as the ongoing crisis has laid bare the vulnerabilities of our seemingly strong system, writes Igor Teslenko.

Special ReportPromoted content
Agrifood 08-03-2019

Women rural entrepreneurs deserve greater attention to keep European rural area vibrant

Est. 4min

Now more than ever, rural women and especially women farmers have a key role to play in the development and preservation of vibrant rural areas.

Promoted content
Agrifood 24-01-2019

Cutting down on ammonia emissions in the EU: for healthier and more sustainable food production

Est. 6min

Ammonia emissions – ammonia released into the atmosphere in high concentrations pollute the air we breathe and represent a significant threat to human health and the environment. It is time to act. The EU has already put in place measures to …

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Agrifood 18-06-2018

CAP reform’s eco-schemes: eco-logic or eco-nomic? Why not both?

Est. 5min

The proposal for the post-2020 Common Agricultural Policy triggered a lot of criticism from a wide range of stakeholders, especially around the environmental aspects. But Yara believes the eco-scheme to be in line with the Commission’s ambition of moving to a “smarter, simpler, fairer and more sustainable” CAP.

Agrifood 23-05-2016

‘Farming 4.0’ at the farm gates

Est. 6min

Big data and analytics are set to transform the world of agriculture as we know it. Ulrich Adam asks what kind of changes can we expect and what has to be done to make ‘Farming 4.0’ a reality?

Agrifood 25-11-2015

Precision farming should only be small part of holistic EU agriculture

Est. 4min

Only sustainable practices, with prevention coming first, will be able to feed the world, writes Henriette Christensen.