
Development 18-01-2017

Fight Inequality Alliance comes to ‘corporate’ Brussels

Est. 6min

Brussels is not a hotbed of popular mobilisation. Few rights struggles start here, but it is one of the biggest power centres in the world and it is one of the main chapters in the book on inequality, write Laura Sullivan and Jenny Ricks.

Languages & Culture 19-10-2015

TTIP, public service media and cultural diversity

Est. 4min

Ten years on from the adoption of the UNESCO Convention, its principles are more relevant than ever today and have a crucial role to play in any future transatlantic trade deal, writes Jean-Paul Philippot.

Technology 06-12-2013

Who or what is in control of my digital identities and can they be trusted?

Est. 7min

The future of identity and of innovative and user-centric identity management tools to build trust and confidence has to be looked at holistically by legislators and the private service providers, writes Juliet Lodge.

A strong public service is even more needed in times of crisis

Est. 4min

Yes, European countries have to cut public spending in order to put their finances back in shape. But this should not compromise essential public services such as education, health care or tax collection, writes Klaus Heeger of the European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CESI).

Competition 05-03-2004

In Europe, “le service public” is in the general interest

Est. 2min

This report, drafted by a working group on the Services of general interest (SGI)