Rule of Law

Politics 06-06-2024

The Brief – Remembering D-Day and its legacy to Europe

Est. 6min

Today’s 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings is an opportunity to remember a great military victory against the Nazis but also - on the day European elections start - an important reminder to voters of the values that were fought for, which become the basis of the EU.

Why the EU benchmarking on the rule of law needs to be revised

Est. 6min

The European Union needs to create clearer benchmarks for the rule of law and judicial reform in Ukraine, which could then be replicated for other reform areas, write Snizhana Diachenko, Liubov Akulenko, and Viktoriia Melnyk.

Justice 20-11-2023

Let’s debate amnesty: Constitution or politics?

Est. 5min

We must see the amnesty law as a unique opportunity to counter the rejection that Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont incites in public opinion, writes Juan Fernando López Aguilar.

Politics 25-10-2023

The Brief – Bulgaria tops global rule of law progress? Must be a joke

Est. 6min

Can global rule of law reports, even those from prestigious organisations, be trusted? Today, my clear answer is no, after seeing the news that my native Bulgaria tops the Rule of Law Index 2023 in terms of progress made, published by the US-based World Justice Project.

Politics 25-10-2023

Tusk flies economy to Brussels for big ticket talks

Est. 7min

Polish opposition leader and potential future prime minister Donald Tusk arrived in Brussels on Wednesday to discuss the chance to launch the nation’s recovery money, frozen due to the rule of law concerns in Poland. Piotr Maciej Kaczyński and Dariusz Dybka explain the stakes.

Elections 25-04-2023

The Brief — The ‘dream team’ of Greek MEPs

Est. 8min

Since the 2019 EU elections, political debate in Athens has, for the first time, been more focused on Brussels than domestic politics. One might think that Greek public opinion has taken on a fresh passion for EU affairs, but unfortunately, …

Politics 05-04-2023

Against SLAPPs in the face of democracy

Est. 4min

Independent journalism is an indispensable cornerstone of our democracy; by providing citizens with reliable information and at the same holding those in power accountable, it is absolutely essential for the checks and balances without which democracy does not function properly, writes MEP Alexis Georgoulis.