Water and health

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Health 17-11-2022

Study identifies primary source of community-acquired legionnaires’ disease risk

Est. 6min

Despite being one of the most prevalent types of Legionnaires' disease, tracking the source of cases of community-acquired Legionnaires' disease (CALD) is notoriously difficult. An in-depth study in Berlin over three years found that the presence of a virulent type of Legionella pneumophila in household water was a significantly greater predictor for CALD than the overall concentration of all Legionella species.

Health 22-03-2021

Water is life, and at the heart of our agenda

Est. 6min

Water is a critical global security matter and Slovenia intends to put it at the core of its EU presidency, which starts on 1 July, writes Dr Stanislav Raščan.

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Health 30-10-2020

Wastewater coronavirus testing shows promise as a means to detect outbreaks

Est. 5min

In the quest to control the pandemic, our best defense might be flowing underground. According to Science magazine, researchers in Paris spent several weeks this year sampling sewage for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. In Germany, 

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Health 27-08-2019

Legionella pneumophila in EU drinking water directive

Est. 3min

Figawa's position on the Draft of the Council of the European Union on the Revision of the EU Drinking Water Directive.

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Health 15-07-2019

Water meets Energy, Energy meets Water

Est. 5min

The Water Innovation Europe 2019 edition “Water meets Energy, Energy meets Water” was successfully concluded on the 13th of June in Brussels with about 230 participants joining us from the water & energy sector.

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Health 24-06-2019

ECI’s contribution on the Revision of the Drinking Water Directive in view of the Trilogues

Est. 3min

The European Copper Institute (ECI) strongly supports measures that help to improve the quality of water intended for human consumption, and is therefore is in favour of EU-wide standards that help understanding and reduce sources of chemical and /or biological contamination in drinking water systems.

Agrifood 11-02-2019

No water, no reuse

Est. 4min

The European Parliament can save the entire water reuse project, or render the whole exercise until now worthless when it votes on 12 February, writes Roberto Mazzini.