Middle East

Future EU 25-06-2012

The Cyprus EU presidency: Breaking with tradition

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The Cyprus EU presidency in the second half of 2012 will provide political leadership to the Union but “not in the traditional way”, officials say. Rather, it will be a “Brussels-based presidency”, with most of the country's officials operating from the European capital and focusing on EU affairs. Meanwhile, the island's long-standing reunification talks with Turkey will be dealt with on a separate track.

Med & South 11-10-2010

Europe’s southern gas corridor: The great pipeline race

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Several pipeline projects are competing with one another to bring to life the southern gas corridor – a vague blueprint to supply Europe with gas from the Caspian and the Middle East. EURACTIV takes a look at the various European initiatives, including their common competitor: Russia's South Stream project.

EU Priorities 2020 20-08-2009

Turkey in the EU – What the public thinks

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European scepticism about Turkey's EU accession is fuelling a popular backlash among many Turks who are growing increasingly distrustful of the EU.

Enlargement 06-11-2007

Turkey accession and Cyprus

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The division of Cyprus into two separate Greek and Turkish communities represents one of the most difficult issues of the European Union's sixth enlargement round, with the future of Turkey's EU accession talks hinging on the successful resolution of the problem.

Enlargement 27-08-2006

2007 elections in Turkey

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Turkey is to hold both presidential and parliamentary elections this year which will shape the future of EU-Turkey relations. EURACTIV outlines what is at stake.

Global Europe 17-11-2005

Turkey-Russia relations

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Given their dynamically growing economic co-operation, the leaders of Turkey and Russia are now working for closer political dialogue to match.

Enlargement 14-11-2005

EU-Turkey relations

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The EU symbolically opened membership talks with Turkey in October 2005, but a number of stumbling blocks remain on Ankara's road to EU accession, in particular concerning trade links with Cyprus, freedom of expression and the rights of the Kurdish minority.

Central Europe 17-12-2004

The EU-25’s view of Turkey’s membership bid

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Turkey's drive to enter the EU as a full member has reached a
critical phase: in December, the EU summit will decide on whether
to open accession talks with Ankara. The leaders of the 25 member
states would need to reach a unanimous decision, and the
decision in turn would need to be convincing to the member states'
citizens. The challenge is huge for all sides concerned.