Online security cannot be taken for granted as hackers and cyber attackers continue to outdo software engineers. Although there are means of beefing up security, including hardware and server backups, remote security controls, filtering and encryption, the scale and risk of attacks is becoming more pronounced and political.
Policymakers worldwide are at loggerheads over how to crack down on cyber-criminals, unlawful content and illegal downloading. But laws have been slow to arrive as legislators try to reconcile fundamental rights and Internet security.
The protection of children online has become an EU priority as lawmakers wake up to the risks of social networking sites and ramp up the fight against child pornography.
The Privacy and Electronic Communications Directive (2002/58/EC) was adopted in 2002 as a complement to the existing Framework Data Protection Directive (1997/66/EC). It regulates privacy and data protection issues as a result of new online marketing practices. One of the most controversial aspects of the directive was the introduction of an 'opt in' system requiring prior customer consent for unsolicited e-mails (spam). In November 2007, the Commission proposed to review the directive to take the latest technological developments into account.
Concerns about security of electronic networks and information systems have been growing along with the rapid increase in the number of network users and the value of their transactions. The EU has put forward proposals to deal with increasing forms of cybercrime.