Middle East

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Development 13-05-2015

INFOGRAPHIC: The facts about asylum seekers in Europe

Although Germany and Sweden are not front-line countries exposed to immigration, they were among those receiving the largest number of asylum seekers in 2014.

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War in Syria: Where do the refugees go?
Development 01-05-2014

War in Syria: Where do the refugees go?

The Syrian crisis has caused the exile of millions of citizens. But only 60,000 of them took refuge in the European Union.


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Egypt: EU tops in non-military aid
Development 09-07-2013

Egypt: EU tops in non-military aid

The European Union is the largest of contributor of development assistance to Egypt, where a military-backed interim government ousted the country’s first democratically elected leader, Mohammed Morsi, on 3 July. After days of bloody unrest, there was no sign that the country's benefactors were prepared to reduce aid.