European Green Deal

Energy 22-12-2020

Mind the gap: how EU countries perform on climate

EU member states will need to step up their efforts on renewables and energy efficiency in order to meet the bloc's updated climate and energy targets for 2030.

Energy 11-12-2020

Five years after Paris: Where does Europe stand on climate change?

Five years on from the Paris Agreement, the EU is predicted to miss the 1.5°C global warming target and the bloc's fair share of carbon emissions reduction, according to independent research.

Special ReportPromoted content

The EU needs to fully unlock the potential of natural gas to deliver its Green Deal

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Nord Stream 2 will contribute to achieving the EU's ambitious, climate-friendly energy transition while safeguarding competitiveness, affordability and prosperity for European households and businesses.

Energy 26-09-2019

A strait at boiling point

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The Strait of Hormuz, the site of recent military conflicts between Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United States, sees a quarter of the world's oil consumption pass through it each year. If Persian Gulf oil exports are disrupted because of a conflict, how much will Europe be affected?

Electricity 12-07-2017

Energy and climate scenarios 2050

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The EU has set a long-term goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80-95% by 2050. But getting there will be a huge challenge that will require a transformation of our energy system.