Energy efficiency

Energy 22-12-2020

Mind the gap: how EU countries perform on climate

EU member states will need to step up their efforts on renewables and energy efficiency in order to meet the bloc's updated climate and energy targets for 2030.

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Renewable energy is too valuable to be wasted – we must preserve Energy Efficiency First

Renewables have an essential role to play in meeting our greenhouse gas emissions reduction target but their use needs to be built upon tapping the full energy efficiency potential of buildings. #EPBD #energyefficiencyfirst

Electricity 12-07-2017

Energy and climate scenarios 2050

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The EU has set a long-term goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80-95% by 2050. But getting there will be a huge challenge that will require a transformation of our energy system.

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Windows of energy efficiency opportunities

Making Europe’s buildings highly energy efficient

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Can Germany's Energiewende ensure supply security?
Energy 21-06-2016

INFOGRAPHIC: Can Germany’s Energiewende ensure supply security?

Boosting renewable energies and using existing sources more efficiently are the two main pillar of the German energy transition, better known as Energiewende. Both pillars contribute to the goal of lowering the dependence on energy imports.

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Reforming the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
Energy 07-04-2016

INFOGRAPHIC: Reforming the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive

Four essential priorities to put Europe back on the energy-efficiency track.

The EUs new heating and cooling strategy
Energy 16-02-2016

INFOGRAPHIC: The EU’s new Heating and Cooling Strategy

The European Commission announced a Heating and Cooling Strategy aimed at reducing energy waste.