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Electric vehicles 25-05-2018

Polish power sector supports electrification of transport

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Electrification of transport will bring a broad range of benefits. Cleaner air (especially in densely populated areas), better urban transport, safer and quieter vehicles and lower oil imports. That is why the Polish power sector supports electrification of the sector.


Energy and climate scenarios 2050

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The EU has set a long-term goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80-95% by 2050. But getting there will be a huge challenge that will require a transformation of our energy system.

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What impact has Germany’s ‘Energiewende’ had on infrastructure and the labour market?
Energy 31-08-2016

What impact has Germany’s ‘Energiewende’ had on infrastructure and the labour market?

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The sharp increase in the use of renewables like solar and wind has provided more flexibility to the German electricity market.

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Can Germany's Energiewende ensure supply security?
Energy 21-06-2016

INFOGRAPHIC: Can Germany’s Energiewende ensure supply security?

Boosting renewable energies and using existing sources more efficiently are the two main pillar of the German energy transition, better known as Energiewende. Both pillars contribute to the goal of lowering the dependence on energy imports.