Euro Area

Timeline of a crisis: Europe’s economic strategy from 2008 to today
Euro & Finance 25-05-2016

Timeline of a crisis: Europe’s economic strategy from 2008 to today

At the outset of the economic crisis in 2008, the EU mirrored the rescue packages seen in the US and elsewhere. In total, more than €1.6 trillion was used to save the banks and €200 billion to keep the European economies afloat.

EU Priorities 2020 07-03-2016

INFOGRAPHIC: Who are the EU summit champions?

The EU summit today (7 March) will be the 101st for Jean-Claude Juncker, as premier of Luxembourg and president of the European Commission. Second comes German Chancellor Angela Merkel, with 66 summits Third is Donald Tusk, with 57 summits as premier of Poland and president of the European Council.