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Health 12-10-2021

Together toward a broader European plasma donation ecosystem

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The unique aspects of human plasma need to be framed more precisely in the EU Blood Directive. The revision of the European Union Blood, Tissues and Cells Legislation brings an opportunity to strengthen this legal framework to encourage new approaches that …

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Health 07-07-2021

Infographic: a health-economic assessment on immunoglobulin replacement therapy

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This paper offers a health economic model to estimate the value of treatment with immunoglobulin replacement therapy (IgGRT) for CVID patients.

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Health 17-03-2021

Europe needs to collect more plasma

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Plasma-derived medicinal products (PDMPs), derived from human plasma from healthy donors, are essential for around 300,000 European patients who rely on these therapies to treat a variety of rare, chronic, and potentially life-threatening conditions, which are often genetic in origin. …