Healthy citizens

Health 28-11-2019

Whole grains ‘key part of a healthy diet’

Est. 5min

In an interview with EURACTIV, Michaela Pichler, secretary-general of the International Association for Cereal Science and Technology (ICC), spoke about the importance of whole grains, but also about the lack of industry standards, labelling and promotion of whole grain foods.

Energy 17-10-2019

Velux CEO: ‘If you want the most energy efficient home, live in a cave’

Est. 7min

Companies and lawmakers must take more responsibility in helping to solve issues related to buildings, including reducing carbon emissions and improving health standards, according to Velux CEO David Briggs.

Health 04-10-2017

Gastein boss: Drugs access is ‘sensitive’ and cannot be viewed in isolation

Est. 10min

Accessibility of medicines is a sensitive issue that must not be examined in isolation. Policymakers, academics, business and patients must be part of the discussion as well as “innovation” because access would not get the focus it needs without it, according to Dorli Kahr-Gottlieb.

Health 09-10-2014

Spanish health trade union leader: We only had 15 minutes of training on Ebola

Est. 3min

The Madrid regional government has not given health personnel enough training to deal with Ebola properly, including the Spanish nurse Teresa Romero, who is now the first person in the world to contract the virus outside Africa, says Juan Carlos Mejías. Romero was in contact with one of two ill Spanish priests who died of the disease in Madrid's Carlos III Hospital.

Health 18-12-2013

Patients group: ‘Access to healthcare is a basic EU citizens’ right’

Est. 9min

The European Parliament elections and the nomination of a new Commission next year offer a fresh opportunity for patients to encourage policymakers to commit to a healthier Europe, says Anders Olauson.

Health 09-03-2012

Pharma chief: ‘Governments are hitting this industry very hard’

Est. 5min

Europe’s debt crisis is hitting health budgets, leading to unpaid bills for pharmaceutical products, warns the head of Europe's pharma industry association, EFPIA, in an interview with EURACTIV. According to Richard Bergström, the industry is near breaking point and the issue needs to be discussed at the highest policy making levels.

Expert: Countries with egalitarian welfare schemes coped better with crisis

Est. 15min

Countries with paritarian welfare institutions - those in which pensions, health care and other social protection schemes are negotiated equally between employers and social partners - were significantly better able to cope with the financial and economic crises, Francesco Briganti of the European Association of Paritarian Institutions of Social Protection (AEIP) told in an interview.

Health 05-05-2008

Security and crossborder care to dominate EU health agenda

Est. 7min

Tackling health threats such as avian flu and ensuring safe, efficient and equitable access to cross-border healtcare will be top priorities of the EU public health policy agenda in the years to come, predicted the Commission's public health director Andrzej Ry? in an interview with EURACTIV. 

Health 14-02-2005

Kyprianou: I strongly support bans on smoking in public places

Est. 9min

Markos Kyprianou told EURACTIV that promoting healthy
lifestyles and mental health, as well as ensuring food safety,
would be among his priorities as commissioner for health and
consumer protection. He added that it was his ambition
to have smoking bans introduced in all member states by
the end of his term.