
Global Europe 17-07-2023

Brazil envoy: EU-Latin America summit not about Ukraine but regional partnership

Est. 6min

The EU-Latin America summit this week shall not be overshadowed by the Europeans' preoccupations surrounding the war in Ukraine, Brazil's EU ambassador Pedro Miguel da Costa e Silva told EURACTIV.

Central Asia 19-09-2022

Analyst: Kazakhstan comfortable as ‘bridge between West and East’

Est. 5min

In an interview with independent Kazakh analyst Anastassiya Reshetnyak, EURACTIV took stock of a busy diplomatic week in Central Asia during which several regional conflicts unfolded, including between Azerbaijan and Armenia, as well as between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

Agrifood 11-04-2022

FAO official: EU’s rethinking of food system fundamentals is legit amid Ukraine, COVID, climate crises

Est. 7min

It is understandable that the EU is reorganising the fundamentals of its agricultural model in terms of strategic autonomy after the Ukraine war and the effects of both COVID-19 and climate crises, an official of the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation told EURACTIV in an interview.

Enlargement 18-03-2022

Analyst says if Putin was a candidate in Serbia, he would get over 70% of the vote

Est. 4min

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić knows that “Russia has become completely useless for Serbia”, but he will keep up his pro-Putin rhetoric to please his electorate in the run-up to the elections on 3 April, says Orhan Dragaš, a security expert in Belgrade.

Technology 14-03-2022

Russia multiplies fake reports to further escalate the conflict, senior EU official warns

Est. 6min

Russia's attack on Ukraine is also being fought in the information space. While the narratives to justify the aggression have not changed significantly, the growing number of Russia's fake reports might be used to justify even more dramatic actions, a senior official of the EU's diplomatic service told EURACTIV.

Central Asia 22-12-2021

Kazakhstan ambassador: 2021 has been a ‘special year’ in Kazakh-EU relations

Est. 8min

In an exclusive interview, Margulan Baimukhan, Ambassador of Kazakhstan to the EU, discussed tensions between major geopolitical players, Central Asian cooperation, and his country's traditions in promoting international understanding.

Global Europe 03-12-2021

Socialist think tank chief: pandemic global failure but EU good example

Est. 5min

The EU “should lead by example” for the recovery from COVID-19 but needs to face its own shortcomings to curb existing and new social inequalities, FEPS President Maria João Rodrigues told EURACTIV in an interview.

Central Asia 17-11-2021

Trade Minister of Kazakhstan: As WTO chair, we will push for consensus on reform

Est. 7min

In an exclusive interview, the Minister of Trade and Integration of Kazakhstan Bakhyt Sultanov discussed the upcoming WTO ministerial under the chairmanship of his country, EU-Kazakhstan economic relation, and carbon border tax.

Global Europe 15-11-2021

Foreign Minister: Uzbekistan is promoting ‘pragmatic relations’ with Afghanistan

Est. 15min

In a wide-ranging interview, Uzbekistan's Foreign Minister Abdulaziz Kamilov discussed his country’s relations with the EU, the situation with "fraternal neighbour" Afghanistan, regional cooperation, and strategies for a 'Third Renaissance' of Uzbekistan.

Central Europe 07-10-2021

Kazakh official: The Taliban are no threat to Central Asia

Est. 7min

It is necessary to create conditions for dialogue with the new government in Afghanistan, regardless of its political attitudes and ideologies. This is very important for both the Central Asian countries and the EU, Kazakhstan's Talgat Kaliyev told EURACTIV in an interview.

Global Europe 09-09-2021

Chizhov: Russia is well-placed to play a constructive role in Afghanistan

Est. 16min

In a wide-ranging interview, the Russian ambassador to the EU Vladimir Chizhov discussed Afghanistan, the ‘Crimea Platform’, carbon border tax, COVID and vaccines, and the new political season.

Agrifood 25-05-2021

Wojciechowski: CAP reform ‘a new chance’ for small, medium sized farms

Est. 11min

As negotiators from the European Parliament, Council and Commission kick off this week's jumbo trilogue in an attempt to seal a deal on the post-2020 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform, EURACTIV spoke to Agriculture Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski about his expectations for the week ahead.

Global Europe 07-05-2021

Ambassador: Porto summit could be ‘watershed moment’ for EU-India relations

Est. 13min

The Porto summit this weekend could be a "watershed moment" for EU-India relations to push for stronger health cooperation in the context of the pandemic, enhanced cooperation on trade and investment, and a partnership on connectivity, the country's envoy to Brussels, Santosh Jha, told EURACTIV in an interview ahead of the EU-India leaders meeting on Saturday (8 May).

Global Europe 05-05-2021

Ambassador: EU and South Korea born to be best like-minded partners

Est. 11min

Climate change is likely to be a key area to strengthen cooperation between the Republic of Korea and the EU in the coming years, the country's ambassador to Brussels, Yoon Soon-gu, told EURACTIV in an interview about multilateralism, climate cooperation and the EU's Indo-Pacific strategy.

Global Europe 21-12-2020

OECD candidate: The US is back as ‘guarantor’ of international liberal order

Est. 7min

With the new US administration, Washington has again taken up its role as a guarantor of multilateral system, former EU Commissioner Anna Diamantopoulou who runs for the OECD top job, told in an interview. “I think it has become very …

Climate change 09-12-2020

French climate expert: We’ve made much progress in implementing Paris Agreement

Est. 8min

In an exclusive interview with EURACTIV France, Paul Watkinson, president of the UN Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice at COP24 and COP25, discussed why the 'rulebook' on implementing the Paris Climate Agreement still has not been ratified.

Central Asia 23-11-2020

Expert: Multi-party democracy has potential in Kazakhstan

Est. 8min

The upcoming elections for the Majilis, the lower chamber of Kazakhstan's Parliament, are a clear improvement in terms of representation and legislative changes, Samuel Doveri Vesterbye told EURACTIV in an interview.

Azerbaijan 15-07-2020

Azeri official: EU should distinguish between aggressor and subject of aggression

Est. 9min

In an exclusive interview, Hikmat Hajiev, head of the foreign affairs department of Azerbaijan’s presidential administration, explains the stakes of a recent armed clash at the border between Azerbaijan and Armenia, which he calls a deliberate provocation from Yerevan.

Freedom of thought 22-05-2020

UN freedom of speech rapporteur must wear several hats, says Bulgarian candidate

Est. 6min

Iveta Cherneva, a Bulgarian author who writes about security, politics, human rights, and sustainability, and a EURACTIV contributor, has been shortlisted for the position of the UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of speech.

Azerbaijan 14-05-2020

Azeri official points at ‘mafia’ as obstacle to solving Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

Est. 6min

In an exclusive interview, a high official of Azerbaijan pointed at mafia-type relations between the unrecognized authorities of Nagorno-Karabakh and the government in Armenia as an obstacle for solving the long-lasting conflict. Hikmat Hajiev, head of the foreign affairs department of …

Global Europe 19-04-2020

Harari: We will have to choose between uniting humanity and nationalisms

Est. 10min

"We are rewriting the rules of the game," Israeli historian and author Yuval Noah Harari told Efe in an interview, warning that "the decisions we make now will have an impact for years and decades and will reconfigure the planet. We will have to choose between uniting humanity or selfishness and nationalisms".

Europe's East 19-02-2020

Risk still there for Ukraine to become frozen conflict – OSCE chief

Est. 10min

Despite recent rapprochement between Ukraine and Russia, the full implementation of the Minsk agreements is still "miles away" and there is still a risk that the separatist regions could turn into another "frozen conflict", OSCE Secretary-General, Thomas Greminger, said in an interview with EURACTIV.

EU-China 02-10-2019

Chinese official: ‘Without a strong WTO, connectivity means nothing’

Est. 5min

The EU and Japan have launched a new strategy to strengthen ties between Europe and Asia, seen as an alternative to China’s ‘Belt and Road’. But in view of the ongoing global trade disputes, for senior Chinese diplomat Xuejun Guo, the priority is nonetheless the renovation of the World Trade Organisation’s appellate body.

Azerbaijan 05-09-2019

Ambassador: ‘We should be more creative’ in finalising Azerbaijan-EU trade deal

Est. 8min

It took 20 years for the EU and Mercosur to sign a trade agreement. “We don’t want to wait that much,” says the Ambassador of Azerbaijan to the EU, urging the European Commission to drop its “bureaucratic matrix” thinking. "We don't hide our names," he insists.