
Economy 08-05-2024

Collapse of EU-China political ties more dangerous than trade decoupling, top think tank chief warns

Est. 5min

The main danger facing EU-China relations is the deterioration of political ties that would hamper the global effort to combat climate change, the head of a leading European think-tank told Euractiv in an interview on Tuesday (7 May).

Global Europe 20-07-2023

Czechia urges outreach to third countries before further Russia sanctions

Est. 4min

Work on pressuring Russia to stop its war on Ukraine must continue, even at a national level when the EU cannot, Jan Marian deputy foreign minister of the Czech Republic, told EURACTIV in an interview on Monday (3 June).


China has not crossed any red lines for us yet, EU’s top diplomat says

Est. 6min

China has not crossed any red lines in terms of supplying arms to Russia and wants to "minimise the risk of being associated with Russian military activities", the EU's chief diplomat Josep Borrell told several European media, including EURACTIV.

Global Europe 21-11-2022

EU must offer alternative to Russia and China, Borrell says

Est. 7min

The EU must avoid creating new 'dependencies' and offer an alternative to partner countries as it reshapes its diplomatic approach after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the bloc's chief diplomat Josep Borrell told EURACTIV.


Ex-PM Rudd: China views Europe as geopolitical swing state of 21st century

Est. 11min

Despite its global power struggle with Washington, China understands that there is one other major centre of power in the world, both strategically and economically, and this centre is Europe, Kevin Rudd, the former prime minister of Australia, told EURACTIV in an exclusive interview.

Central Asia 09-06-2022

Independent analyst: Kazakh authorities are aware of the scale of public discontent

Est. 8min

The Kazakh authorities at first tried to stigmatise as terrorists and outcasts those who had taken to the streets in January, but they are very aware of the scale of public discontent and are trying to respond to them, political analyst Anastassiya Reshetnyak said in an interview.

Central Asia 07-06-2022

Analyst: Too many ‘Black Swans’ in the vicinity of Kazakhstan

Est. 5min

Too many ‘Black Swans’ have appeared globally, many in the vicinity of Kazakhstan. Still, the country will continue its muti-vector policy to ensure stability in contact with the world’s major players, Askar Nursha, an independent political analyst, told EURACTIV in an interview.

Central Asia 22-12-2021

Kazakhstan ambassador: 2021 has been a ‘special year’ in Kazakh-EU relations

Est. 8min

In an exclusive interview, Margulan Baimukhan, Ambassador of Kazakhstan to the EU, discussed tensions between major geopolitical players, Central Asian cooperation, and his country's traditions in promoting international understanding.

Central Asia 05-10-2021

Kazakhstan justice minister: We aim to create good conditions for foreign investors

Est. 9min

In a wide-ranging interview, Kazakhstan's Justice Minister Marat Bektaev discussed Kazakhstan's relations with the EU, its ongoing multi-billion international court cases, and the Central Asian country’s strategic development plans and efforts to create good conditions for foreign investment.

Revamped EU-India link could re-balance China ties, Portuguese FM says

Est. 6min

Relations between the EU and India, especially in the context of an increasingly influential China, will be the central point of the Portuguese EU presidency, Portugal's Foreign Minister Augusto Santos Silva told EURACTIV in an exclusive interview.


EU should assert ‘own interests and principles’ to Beijing, says MEP

Est. 7min

In an interview with EURACTIV France, MEP Raphaël Glucksmann (S&D) speaks about the EU and China agreeing on 30 December in principle on a Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CIA) after the French presidency assured on Monday that China's human rights "commitments" would be "very scrupulously checked".


Renewable energy opportunity for EU-China development cooperation

Est. 5min

Cooperation in the renewable energy sector, such as hydropower, wind power and photovoltaic, between China and countries along the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) or third countries has significantly grown in recent years. A senior scientist suggests an EU-China partnership could benefit all involved.

Central Asia 23-11-2020

Expert: Multi-party democracy has potential in Kazakhstan

Est. 8min

The upcoming elections for the Majilis, the lower chamber of Kazakhstan's Parliament, are a clear improvement in terms of representation and legislative changes, Samuel Doveri Vesterbye told EURACTIV in an interview.


Breton: With better information from China and WHO, we would have been better prepared

Est. 4min

Commissioner for Internal Market, Thierry Breton, told in an interview that Europe could have been better prepared to face the COVID-19 if China and the World Health Organisation had offered “better and more reliable information earlier”.

Economy 11-03-2020

Expert : Germany could use EU presidency to shape EU-China relations

Est. 8min

In an interview with EURACTIV Germany, director of the Asia programme of the European Council of Foreign Relations, Dr Janka Oertel, described how Germany could play a pivotal role in changing the EU's relations with China and might even force the exclusion of Huawei from the planned 5G expansion across the EU.

Data protection 07-02-2020

Xiaomi president: ‘We invest substantial amounts to be fully compliant with GDPR’

Est. 5min

Amid security concerns surrounding Chinese tech giant Huawei, its smaller telecoms rival Xiaomi has been attempting to distinguish itself by focusing on consumer products and non-critical infrastructure.


Chinese ambassador: Panic could be a more fearful adversary than coronavirus

Est. 14min

In fighting an epidemic, it is quite befitting to say that the only thing to fear is fear itself. In other words, panic could be a more fearful adversary than the virus itself, the Chinese Ambassador to the EU Zhang …

China 05-12-2019

Kazakh strategist: The EU is a precious, but undervalued partner

Est. 6min

On the sidelines of a conference dedicated to Kazakhstan’s experience with the presidential model of governance, EURACTIV spoke to Sanat Kushkumbayev, a prominent foreign policy analyst, about Kazakhstan's diplomatic and geopolitical efforts, including its relations with China and the EU.

Eastern Europe 29-11-2019

Ukraine’s deputy foreign minister: Very low expectations for Normandy summit

Est. 5min

After Ukraine's new President Volodymyr Zelenskyi agreed to hold elections in the separatist regions on the Russian border, peace talks with Moscow are regaining momentum. With the assistance of France and Germany, the two countries will return to the negotiation table on 9 December.


Chinese official: ‘Without a strong WTO, connectivity means nothing’

Est. 5min

The EU and Japan have launched a new strategy to strengthen ties between Europe and Asia, seen as an alternative to China’s ‘Belt and Road’. But in view of the ongoing global trade disputes, for senior Chinese diplomat Xuejun Guo, the priority is nonetheless the renovation of the World Trade Organisation’s appellate body.


Budapest-Belgrade railway: Orbán flirts with China

Est. 7min

Hungary has signed a deal with China to modernise the railway link between Budapest and Belgrade. The project - the first major Chinese infrastructure deal inside the EU - aims to facilitate the distribution of goods arriving at the Chinese-owned port of Piräus, but critics say it might be a waste of taxpayer money.

Central Asia 29-05-2019

Kazakhstan calls EU’s new Central Asia strategy ‘visionary’

Est. 9min

Kazakhstan welcomes the EU's new vision for a stronger partnership with Central Asia, particularly as it took into account the country's proposals, its deputy foreign minister told EURACTIV and called the document, due to be adopted next month, "visionary".

Europe's East 10-05-2019

Ambassador: For Georgia, the Eastern Partnership means a lot

Est. 15min

In a wide-ranging interview, the Ambassador of Georgia to the EU talked about the lessons learned from 10 years of Eastern Partnership, her country’s reforms, relations with neighbours, including the biggest one – Russia.


Rail chief: ‘Instead of new corridors, enhance the existing ones’

Est. 7min

President of Ferrmed Joan Amorós defends that, instead of investing in new corridors, EU and China should focus on improving the existing ones, “where the business is”. He also highlighted the importance of data sharing and the irruption of 5G to improve the efficiency of railway transport.