Crisis Management

Climate change 02-09-2022

Collaboration key to disaster prevention, says EU civil protection expert

Est. 6min

For Captain Laurent Alfonso, expert in European civil protection, global warming requires us to be "ready to intervene everywhere, all the time and for all kinds of disasters."

Europe's East 22-03-2022

Ukraine will need ‘staggering’ financial support, says World Bank MD

Est. 6min

The World Bank is ready to provide “staggering” sums of financial support to Ukraine amid the Russian invasion and the aftermath, Managing Director for Operations, Axel van Trotsenburg, told EURACTIV in an interview.

Agrifood 18-03-2022

Agribusiness chief: State of Ukraine agriculture ‘bad to catastrophic’

Est. 10min

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has created major hardships for the country's agricultural sector, with fields not being accessible for cultivation, farm animals facing starvation, and the food delivery system collapsing, Alex Lissitsa told EURACTIV Germany in an interview.

Development 16-03-2018

Humanitarian crisis management benefits from new technologies

Est. 6min

Weather alert systems, real-time communication and debit cards for refugees: the use of new technologies make humanitarian aid more effective, Commissioner Christos Stylianides said in an interview.  EURACTIV’s partner Euroefe reports.

Christos Stylianides
Development 19-12-2014

Stylianides: We need strong bridges between humanitarian and development aid

Est. 17min

As the world struggles to deal with crises, there is a need to change the way we think about managing them, while building stronger bridges between humanitarian aid and development assistance, Commissioner Christos Stylianides told EURACTIV in an exclusive interview.

Kristalina Georgieva explains the 'belt of crisis' [photo Georgi Gotev]
Global Europe 20-06-2014

Georgieva: ‘Travelling trouble’ could reach us

Est. 12min

The EU and the developed countries need to more forcefully direct their resources and attention to “the belt of crisis” stretching from Somalia to Mali, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response Commissioner Kristalina Georgieva told EURACTIV in an exclusive interview.

Global Europe 19-11-2013

Georgieva: ‘We must not fall in the trap of forgotten crises’

Est. 7min

EXCLUSIVE / In the aftermath of the devastating typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, the European Commission was fast in coming up with financial aid and brought urgent relief to the worst affected areas, but it must prevent the country from becoming another "forgotten crisis", European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid Kristalina Georgieva told EURACTIV in an interview.

Global Europe 13-01-2011

Georgieva: Situation in Haiti ‘still very difficult’

Est. 10min

Bulgarian national Kristalina Georgieva, the EU's commissioner for humanitarian aid and crisis response, remembers the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 very well: it taught her that transforming a country takes time, she told EURACTIV in an exclusive interview.

Global Europe 10-12-2010

UN official: Political interests are increasingly driving aid policy

Est. 7min

Aid is being increasingly driven by donors' political, economic or military objectives rather than prioritising the needs of its recipients, according to Ross Mountain, the UN secretary-general's deputy special representative to the Democratic Republic of Congo.