Arctic Agenda


We don’t want to see any flash points in the Arctic, EU envoy says

Est. 7min

The EU needs to adapt how it approaches the role of China and Russia in the region, Michael Mann, EU's Special Envoy for Arctic Matters, told EURACTIV.

Agrifood 25-11-2019

Vella: EU leadership on oceans governance is a priority for my successor

Est. 6min

The EU's outgoing Fisheries Commissioner, Karmenu Vella, warned that climate change and biodiversity loss were putting the earth's ecosystems dangerously close to a tipping point, and pleaded for his successor to carry on the International Ocean Governance (IOG) put in place during his five-year mandate.


EU’s Arctic Ambassador: Arctic security can’t be taken for granted

Est. 10min

Risk of conflict in the Arctic is low but cannot be entirely excluded, which is why Europe and others need to continue dialogue and confidence-building measures, the EU's Arctic ambassador told EURACTIV in an interview, stressing also the need to strike a balance between economic opportunities and environmental degradation.

Transport 12-03-2019

Cruise ships chief: ‘The goal is zero impact, just fun’

Est. 8min

More gigantic cruise ships will take to the high seas in the coming years, according to industry CEO Michael Thamm. In an interview with EURACTIV, he revealed how cruising intends to embrace low-carbon technologies in an effort to reduce its environmental impact and keep its customers satisfied.

Global Europe 08-02-2019

Avoid politicising Arctic issues, expert warns

Est. 8min

The Arctic has so far been largely conflict-free. If this ever changes, it will probably be the result of a spillover from other parts of the world, Arctic expert Svein Rottem told in an interview, in which he spoke about Arctic governance and the EU’s role in the region.

Energy 30-03-2018

Faria MEP: Offshore Safety Directive is ripe for reform

Est. 8min

The Portuguese lawmaker behind the most recent European Parliament resolution on the safety of offshore drilling, told EURACTIV why he opposes moves to open up oil and gas fields in European waters, not least in his home country Portugal.

Climate change 19-03-2018

UN Arctic chief: ‘Climate change isn’t linear – it’s accelerating’

Est. 7min

Climate change is most evident in the Polar Regions and its impact will serve as a litmus test for what happens to the rest of the planet, the UN’s chief Arctic adviser told EURACTIV in an interview.

Great Greenland CEO: seal hunting ban ‘devastating’ for Inuit communities

Est. 9min

It is not profitable and may never be. And the EU has banned it. So why should seal hunting be supported? Because it is a sustainable way of life for Inuit people - and sometimes their only one. And the way forward for Greenland's independence, says Ditte Sorknæs.

Energy 08-02-2016

Norwegian energy minister: We will drill until gas reserves run out

Est. 6min

Norway will be on its last third of natural gas reserves by 2035, much of it in the Arctic, and almost all of it destined for the EU market, the country’s Minister of Petroleum and Energy told EURACTIV in an interview. Tord Lien said production would stop once the reserves were gone.

Regional Policy 25-07-2012

Arctic expert: Greenland could re-join the EU in a generation

Est. 11min

Greenland joined the European Economic Community with Denmark in 1973 but left in 1985 due to quarrels over commercial fishing regulations. With Greenland facing new export potential and possible independence from Denmark, the EU must play a pragmatic and constructive role to secure the island’s development, Damien Degeorges says in an interview with EURACTIV.