
Global Europe 31-05-2022

EU summit debrief: Orban is a scapegoat, the problem is Germany

Est. 9min

In an interview with EURACTIV, Witold Waszczykowski, the former foreign minister of Poland and a leading lawmaker in the European Parliament, gave a less than optimistic account of the extraordinary EU summit on Ukraine held on 30-31 May.

US scientist: Methane leakage reports ‘have an inherent low bias’

Est. 8min

To understand its full methane emission footprint and its impact on the climate, Europe needs to assess oil and gas imports from countries such as Algeria, Russia and Qatar, for which no data is available yet, says Stefan Schwietzke.

Agrifood 18-06-2019

Biofuel expert: In Europe, facts don’t win over theories

Est. 9min

Europe’s demonstrated preference for ideology over science explains why Europe is both the most vocal climate proponent on the world stage and also the most wasteful and ineffective one, Eric Sievers, director of investments at Ethanol Europe, told EURACTIV.com in an interview.

Energy 23-05-2018

Neftohim refinery boss: Europe’s refining sector will consolidate, improve

Est. 9min

The number of oil refineries in Europe is likely to decrease but those that remain will be truly competitive, highly technological and highly efficient, Ilshat Sharafutdinov told EURACTIV in an interview.

Energy 30-03-2018

Faria MEP: Offshore Safety Directive is ripe for reform

Est. 8min

The Portuguese lawmaker behind the most recent European Parliament resolution on the safety of offshore drilling, told EURACTIV why he opposes moves to open up oil and gas fields in European waters, not least in his home country Portugal.

Energy 06-03-2018

Bozhidar Danev: Part of Bulgaria’s fuel sector lies in the grey economy

Est. 11min

Unusually low fuel prices in Bulgaria are probably the result of cartels, or contraband, Bozhidar Danev told EURACTIV.com in an exclusive interview, saying the authorities have  so far been unable or unwilling to address the issue.

Energy 18-12-2017

Statoil VP: ‘Natural gas has a home in the zero-carbon world’

Est. 11min

Europe can decarbonise its industry thanks to a combination of natural gas, hydrogen and carbon capture and storage technology, Statoil executive Sonja Chirico Indrebø told EURACTIV Slovakia in an interview.

Energy 30-11-2017

Think tanker: E-mobility push won’t affect EU oil demand significantly until 2040s

Est. 6min

The IEA’s latest World Energy Outlook suggests the EU is set to wean itself off oil even as global consumption continues to rise. EURACTIV.com asked Georg Zachmann, a senior fellow at the Brussels-based think tank Bruegel, how he sees oil demand in the EU changing in the coming years.

Energy 11-09-2017

John Cooper: On fossil fuels, the European public is ‘a little bit misled’

Est. 14min

A lot is at stake for the energy security of Europe if political correctness was to dictate imposing one technology against the other, John Cooper, Director General of FuelsEurope told EURACTIV.com.

Energy 14-07-2017

Energy guru lifts the veil on first Putin-Trump meeting

Est. 11min

EXCLUSIVE/ Energy guru Igor Yusufov shared  his views with EURACTIV.com on the first bilateral meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his US President Donald Trump at the G20 summit, as well as on the global gas and oil business.

Transport 24-02-2017

Expert: Clear sustainability framework needed for advanced biofuels

Est. 8min

If the EU wants to avoid a U-turn on advanced biofuels, then it has come up with a “clear and robust” sustainability framework that will provide policy certainty and investment security, biofuel expert Laura Buffet said in an interview with EURACTIV.com.

Energy 08-11-2016

LUKoil vice president: EU taxes are killing the refinery business

Est. 5min

LUKoil would be delighted to sell the EU gas, but it cannot, as Gazprom has a monopoly on Russia's gas exports. However, the gas LUKoil discovered on the Romanian shelf will directly supply the EU, Leonid Fedun told EURACTIV.com.

Climate change 12-09-2016

FuelsEurope boss: Burning global-warming petrol is society’s choice

Est. 12min

The burning of petroleum in transport, despite its contribution to climate change, is a choice made by customers in a society that runs on liquid fuel, John Cooper has said. The director-general of FuelsEurope stated that there had never been a referendum, asking whether people were prepared to pay more for a low carbon future.

Armenia 04-05-2016

Analyst: Germany has ideas for solving the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

Est. 10min

After the 4-day war in Nagorno-Karabakh at the beginning of April, we may see changes at the negotiating table, as Berlin has indicated it would like to take a stronger role, Amanda Paul, Senior Policy Analyst at the European Policy Centre (EPC), told EURACTIV.com in an exclusive interview.

Climate change 28-01-2015

Laurence Tubiana: ‘EU-China climate agreement is conceivable’

Est. 7min

Climate change specialist Laurence Tubiana is the negotiator representing France at the 2015 Paris Climate Conference. She took the time to share her views on of the discussions between the world's biggest CO2 emitters with EURACTIV France.

Energy 08-09-2014

Analyst: Western energy companies reluctant to deal with Russia

Est. 11min

The psychological effect of EU sanctions, as much as the specific effect of them, is causing companies to hesitate when getting involved in any transactions with Russia, James Henderson told EURACTIV Czech Republic in an interview.

Climate change 18-03-2013

Indigenous chief: Canada trying to muscle EU on tar sands

Est. 10min

Canada is tarnishing its green image by lobbying on behalf of tar sands, labelled in the EU's proposed revision of the Fuel Quality Directive as more polluting than conventional oil sources, said Indigenous Chief Bill Erasmus, in an interview with EURACTIV.

Regional Policy 25-07-2012

Arctic expert: Greenland could re-join the EU in a generation

Est. 11min

Greenland joined the European Economic Community with Denmark in 1973 but left in 1985 due to quarrels over commercial fishing regulations. With Greenland facing new export potential and possible independence from Denmark, the EU must play a pragmatic and constructive role to secure the island’s development, Damien Degeorges says in an interview with EURACTIV.

Brexit 11-02-2011

Canadian CCS supremo: We need to build global CCS industry with Europe

Est. 13min

The EU and Canada should work together to bring controversial carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology onto the global marketplace more quickly, according to the director of Canada's flagship CAN$2 billion CCS programme.

Energy 02-07-2010

Lukoil CEO: Russian oil business prospers in EU

Est. 6min

For Russian oil companies, the business climate in Europe is good, but a lot of fallacious information about the country still needs to be countered, Vagit Alekperov, founder and president of Lukoil, Russia's largest oil company, told EURACTIV in an exclusive interview.

Energy 20-10-2008

Oil refiners: Seeking protection from ‘carbon leakage’

Est. 23min

Europe's fuel refining sector may be succeeding in its attempt to receive free emissions credits under the next phase of the EU's CO2 trading scheme, EURACTIV learned in an interview with Isabelle Muller, secretary general of Europia, the oil refining industry association.

Energy 01-10-2008

BP: ‘We should see volatility increase’

Est. 15min

Tight global fossil fuel markets, increased nationalisation of oil reserves and massive economic growth in developing countries like China and India are creating new realities in global energy markets, which will remain volatile for some time to come, according to BP's chief economist Christof Rühl, who spoke to EURACTIV in an interview.