
Agrifood 25-11-2019

Vella: EU leadership on oceans governance is a priority for my successor

Est. 6min

The EU's outgoing Fisheries Commissioner, Karmenu Vella, warned that climate change and biodiversity loss were putting the earth's ecosystems dangerously close to a tipping point, and pleaded for his successor to carry on the International Ocean Governance (IOG) put in place during his five-year mandate.

Remi Gruet
Energy 02-04-2014

Ocean energy chief: Wave and tidal power can boost European industry

Est. 8min

To commercially deploy ocean energy technology will require €500 million in investment before 2020, grid roll-outs, a common European framework, public-private partnerships and, ideally, feed-in tariffs, Remi Gruet  told EURACTIV. But its advantages could more than outweigh that.