Food labelling

Agrifood 28-10-2022

GIs will not be treated as ‘trademark’, EU intellectual property head says

Est. 6min

Geographical indications (GIs) will not lose features that make them different from other Intellectual Property (IP) rights by moving competencies from the European Commission to the EU’s intellectual property office (EUIPO), its head told EURACTIV in an interview.

Agrifood 09-07-2020

Kyriakides: Investments will match EU’s ambition on sustainable food systems

Est. 6min

The EU's determination to become a global leader in sustainability will be matched by investments in solutions to deliver on the commitments set out in the EU's new food policy, Commissioner Stella Kyriakides told in an exclusive interview.

Agrifood 27-02-2020

Nestlé chief: EU’s Green Deal should ensure prosperity too

Est. 7min

The announced EU food policy should also strive to create future prosperity for businesses in good harmony with the environment, not only to take policies against some parts of the food value chain, Nestlé Europe chief Marco Settembri told in an interview.

Agrifood 19-12-2018

Campaigner: Short food supply chain is more than selling local products

Est. 5min

Short food supply chains have a multidimensional role to play. They can help revitalise European farms by encouraging young people to work the land, but they also provide cheap and healthy food to consumers and attract tourists, campaigner Geneviève Savigny told in an interview.

Agrifood 16-10-2017

Food & drink industry boss: Do not confuse ‘quality’ with ‘recipe’ in food debate

Est. 10min

What has been mixed in the current dual quality food conversation is ‘quality versus recipe’, as consumers have different preferences on sweetness and saltiness and we just have to accept it, FoodDrinkEurope leader told in an interview.

Agrifood 06-07-2017

Nestlé boss: Simplified food labels will better inform consumers

Est. 8min

Simplified food label schemes like the UK-style traffic light will provide EU consumers clear and simple elements and therefore, better inform them, Marco Settembri told in an interview.

Health 16-12-2016

Diabetes expert: Urgent need for education ‘at every level’

Est. 9min

There is a great need to raise awareness and enhance education on diabetes and a healthier lifestyle “at every level”, Stella de Sabata, head of the International Diabetes Federation, told

Pascal Gréverath
Agrifood 17-11-2015

Nestlé executive: ‘We are all facing risks of having supply challenges’

Est. 18min

Climate change is confronting the European food sector with an unprecedented risk related to supplies of agricultural raw materials, warns Pascal Gréverath.

Pauline Constant
Agrifood 03-09-2014

BEUC: Food labelling should include country of origin for meat

Est. 5min

Consumer confidence in food is at low levels. Displaying origin information can boost transparency and help reverse the tide, says Pauline Constant.

Ilaria Passarani
Agrifood 10-04-2014

Better food labeling to fight chronic diseases

Est. 8min

SPECIAL REPORT / The EU, which is currently revising its food labeling rules, should copy the 'traffic-light system' introduced in the UK, says Ilaria Passarani.

Health 07-02-2014

Goyens: ‘The EU food system must urgently be strengthened’

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On the one year anniversary of the horsemeat scandal, a similar food fraud scandal can easily happen in the EU as the financial penalties for fraud are small and because the Commission does not want mandatory origin labelling for meat in processed meals, says Monique Goyens.

Borg: Labelling isn’t the answer to the horsemeat scandal

Est. 7min

The Commissioner for health and consumer affairs tells EURACTIV that the horsemeat scandal should be seen for what it is: a fraud rather than a flaw in the regulation. He favours introducing tougher penalties for such incidents, but believes food labelling should be kept as a separate issue.

Health 15-06-2010

Heart health expert: Consumers deserve ‘useful’ food information

Est. 10min

Ahead of a European Parliament vote tomorrow (16 June) on a European Commission proposal for a Regulation on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, the director of the European Heart Network (EHN) called on MEPs to back "fair presentation" of the nutritional content of food products.

Agrifood 28-04-2009

MEP: ‘Taxing fatty foods won’t help curb obesity’

Est. 7min

Clearer food labelling and awareness-raising campaigns can help prevent an obesity epidemic in Europe, Liberal Romanian MEP Magor Imre Csibi told EURACTIV in an interview. But taxing high-fat foods is not part of the solution, he added.

Health 22-03-2007

CIAA on food labelling

Est. 9min

Food labelling has been mandatory in the United States for 15 years, but has not had any affect on consumer behaviour. "Labelling alone will not do the job," argues Sabine Nafziger, from the food and drinks industry confederation CIAA in an interview with EURACTIV.

Health 13-11-2006

‘Industry unlikely to self-regulate’

Est. 6min

Food labelling and advertising to children are two areas where industry is unlikely to be able to self-regulate and legislation is therefore required, argues Sue Davies from the UK consumer organisation Which?.