Artificial Intelligence


EU AI Act ‘cannot turn away from foundation models’, Spain’s state secretary says

Est. 5min

With Europe’s AI rulebook at a delicate stage of negotiations, Carme Artigas, the Spanish Secretary of State for Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence, spoke to Euractiv about the state of play of the inter-institutional discussions. The AI Act is a legislative proposal …


No Green Deal without technology, leading EU lawmaker says

Est. 4min

For EU lawmaker Eva Maydell, Europe's ambitious green agenda must be supported by a comprehensive industrial plan that shifts the bloc's focus to competitive sustainability and becoming the world's leader in clean technologies.

Technology 12-04-2022

Regulation is the only way to make online platforms serve society, MEP says

Est. 6min

How can online platforms that seek to maximise profits be made compatible with or even foster consumer protection, democratic processes, and worker rights? For European lawmaker Tiemo Wölken, the short answer is regulation.

China 03-06-2021

MEPs sound the alarm over Chinese mass surveillance project in Belgrade

Est. 5min

The European Parliament is taking a close look at China's high-tech present to Serbia, a mass surveillance system that involves the installation of thousands of smart surveillance cameras equipped with facial recognition features, MEP Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield (Greens/EFA, France) told EURACTIV in an interview.

Technology 26-05-2021

Portugal’s contribution to the European Digital Agenda

Est. 5min

Digital transformation of the way Europeans live and do business is one of the priorities of the Portuguese EU Council presidency, which ends on 30 June. To find out how much has been achieved, and what Portugal's successor, Slovenia, should pursue, EURACTIV spoke to Hugo Santos Mendes, Portugal's deputy minister for communications.

Data protection 07-02-2020

Xiaomi president: ‘We invest substantial amounts to be fully compliant with GDPR’

Est. 5min

Amid security concerns surrounding Chinese tech giant Huawei, its smaller telecoms rival Xiaomi has been attempting to distinguish itself by focusing on consumer products and non-critical infrastructure.

Economy 05-11-2018

German industry expert: ‘No one will be bypassed by digitisation’

Est. 10min

Digitisation has become a fix point in the public debate as significant effects on the economy and the working world are expected. Are Germany and the EU well prepared? EURACTIV Germany spoke to Iris Plöger.

Copyright in the EU must balance interests of content creator and recipient

Est. 16min

The copyright reform proposed by the European Commission will hinder work on artificial intelligence, harm smaller entities on the internet and simply make life more difficult for Internet users, argues Michał Kanownik in an interview with EURACTIV Poland.

Economy 25-05-2018

Seize the challenge of Big Data and AI, says Tata boss

Est. 10min

Europe is ahead in the digital game, says Tata's Consultancy Services COO. But businesses and governments will need to utilise Big Data and Artificial Intelligence to improve services and the quality of life of customers.

Gabriel: Facebook users ‘need to know what happened with their data’

Est. 10min

Facebook users “need to know what happened with their data” following reports over a week ago that millions of profiles on the social media platform were secretly used to help political campaigns, EU Digital Commissioner Mariya Gabriel said.

EU Priorities 2020 19-02-2018

Tech lobby group drafting budget proposal to double EU funds in digital sector

Est. 10min

Brussels-based lobby group DigitalEurope is drafting its own proposal outlining how much money should be earmarked for investment in the tech sector as part of the EU’s next budget.

Cybersecurity 23-10-2017

EU cybersecurity chief: Now is the time to discuss liability

Est. 11min

There needs to be more discussion about liability for cybersecurity attacks, Steve Purser, director of operators at the EU cybersecurity agency ENISA, told in an interview.

Economy 02-10-2017

Corazza: Society can benefit from ‘gendered’ responses to disruption

Est. 9min

In this new disrupted world, conventional thinking will not be enough to address the challenges posed by rapid changes, meaning a gendered perspective is needed to reveal fresh points of view, said Chiara Corazza in an interview with EURACTIV.

Technology 29-05-2017

Tata CEO: Europe should unleash the Jugaad mindset

Est. 8min

To manage change and transform economies, affluent countries need to experiment fast and roll out new models that enable them to grow in a more innovative way, Amit Bajaj told in an interview, stressing the need for social innovation.

Economy 18-05-2017

Amazon AI chief: We don’t need a ‘kill switch’ for ‘smart’ machines

Est. 6min

Ralf Herbrich is one of the three masterminds behind Amazon’s artificial intelligence, the secret formula responsible for the exponential growth of the company that has revolutionised the world of commerce.

5G 03-03-2017

Ansip: Additional taxes on robots would be ‘unwise’

Est. 8min

European Commission Vice-President Andrus Ansip is optimistic about the digital revolution. After visiting the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona this week (27 February-2 March), he still believes Europe is "in a good position" to lead the next generation of mobile broadband (5G).

Technology 16-02-2017

Law professor: ‘Autonomous weapons’ notably absent from EU motion on robotics, AI

Est. 16min

The European Parliament is voting today (16 February) on a landmark resolution on civil law, robotics and artificial intelligence. Ahead of the vote, explored the ethical and legal implications of robotisation with a professor of international and European law.

Future EU 08-11-2016

Spanish philosopher: ‘We have lost the idea of Europe’

Est. 4min

Philosopher José Antonio Marina told EURACTIV Spain that the idea of Europe has been lost and called on the EU to undertake a period of “quiet” reflection in order to relaunch a project imbued with “intellectual, political and economic vigour”.

Brexit 26-10-2016

Robert Madelin: ‘We have to assume the hardest possible Brexit’

Est. 21min

The EU treaty mentions a two-year deadline for a member state to conclude negotiations to leave the European Union. But it also foresees possible extensions, opening the way for a follow-on process, says Robert Madelin, who just left the EU executive.

MEP: ‘My main concern is that humans are not dominated by robots’

Est. 7min

Mady Delvaux, a Socialist MEP from Luxembourg, has been tasked with drafting the first regulatory proposal worldwide to address the rise of advanced robotics and artificial intelligence.


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