Participatory democracy


Šuica: Commission to revamp its online citizen engagement platform

Est. 6min

The European Commission will release a revamped version of its Have Your Say online citizen’s engagement portal this month, Commission Vice-President Dubravka Šuica told Euractiv.


Slovenia: Future of Europe debate should focus on resilience

Est. 6min

After the successive crises over two decades, a core issue for the Conference on the Future of Europe should be how to ensure the resilience of the EU and put policies in favour of European citizens first, Slovenia's State Secretary Gašper Dovžan told EURACTIV.

Global Europe 30-04-2020

GMF President: ‘The coronavirus is accelerating many trends that were there before’

Est. 7min

Nationalist reactions to the spread of the coronavirus have further worsened already strained transatlantic relations. But GMF President Karen Donfried believes that the pandemic will underline the importance of cooperation. An interview from EURACTIV Germany.

Future EU 02-10-2019

Michael Ignatieff: Hungary will not be a single-party state forever

Est. 12min

The democratic transition is not over in Central and Eastern Europe and we will continue our mission of training people and creating "free minds, people who think", Michael Ignatieff, a Canadian academic and president of the Central European University, told EURACTIV Slovakia.

Agrifood 12-07-2019

French MEP: When it comes to the environment, the future CAP is regressive

Est. 6min

In an interview with EURACTIV France, French MEP and vice-chair of the Socialists and Democrats (S&D) group Eric Andrieu spoke about the future of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and highlighted its lack of environmentally-focused provisions.

EU Elections 2019 10-09-2018

Weber: I am concerned about key issues in Hungary

Est. 8min

EURACTIV Poland's media partner "Gazeta Wyborcza" interviewed Manfred Weber, who announced his candidacy to be the Spitzenkandidat of the European Peoples' Party in the 2019 European elections.

Future EU 11-06-2018

Academic: Weakened Europe has once again become ‘a playground for influence games’

Est. 10min

With Europe’s relative weight diminishing on the world stage, it becomes easier and easier for outside parties to play divide and rule and take advantage of European disunity, says Alexander Mattelaer.

Future EU 18-04-2018

Manfred Weber: We have to find consensus with France

Est. 5min

While the debate about the future of Europe is gaining momentum, the leader of the European People's Party (EPP), Manfred Weber, calls on the German Christian Democrats to show more willingness to compromise in an interview with EURACTIV’s media partner Der Tagesspiegel.

Future EU 12-04-2018

Oettinger: Solidarity is not a one-way street

Est. 10min

Europe's dispute over refugees, the controversial judicial reform in Poland and the election campaign in Bavaria were the topics of an interview with Commissioner Günther Oettinger by EURACTIV Germany's media partner "Der Tagesspiegel".

Development 16-03-2018

Humanitarian crisis management benefits from new technologies

Est. 6min

Weather alert systems, real-time communication and debit cards for refugees: the use of new technologies make humanitarian aid more effective, Commissioner Christos Stylianides said in an interview.  EURACTIV’s partner Euroefe reports.

Politics 08-03-2018

Nathalie Loiseau: Proactive policies needed to promote women’s talents

Est. 6min

In honour of International Women’s Day, France's European affairs minister, Nathalie Loiseau, talks about women and their place in Europe in an interview with

Future EU 21-02-2018

Macron’s advisor: France, Germany have only a few months to act

Est. 7min

Jean Pisani-Ferry has developed French President Emmanuel Macron's economic programme and is one of his closest economic policy advisers. Germany and France need a common position to reform the Eurozone, he says and calls for action in an interview with EURACTIV's media partner WirtschaftsWoche.

Future EU 03-01-2018

Expert: The EU political agenda must be set by ordinary citizens

Est. 12min

Arguing for an alternative vision of European cooperation, political scientist Richard Youngs told EURACTIV that an EU rethink must include new voices and involve a fully participative process of consultation, in line with what French President Emmanuel Macron has proposed in recent months. In his new book he shows how that can be achieved.

Freedom of thought 19-10-2017

Scott Atran: People need purpose and meaning to embrace Europe

Est. 16min

The European Union is not inevitable: it requires struggle and sacrifice otherwise it will die and Europeans must regain this sense of purpose, cultural anthropologist Scott Atran said in an interview with

Central Europe 15-06-2017

Grabbe: Hungary’s NGO law is discriminatory

Est. 5min

For the EU, the fear is that this legislation is coercive and inhibits the free movement of capital, former Commission official Heather Grabbe told EURACTIV Germany.

Future EU 10-04-2017

EU’s real problem is the lack of a ‘good driver’

Est. 3min

Romania's real concern is not the prospect of “multi-speed Europe” but the lack of a “good driver”, of real leadership and of a valuable European vision, Vasile Pușcaș told in an exclusive interview.

Central Europe 17-02-2017

Saryusz-Wolski: Trump is not the end of the world

Est. 15min

Europe’s military abilities are useless if there’s no political will to use them in the face of danger, Civic Platform MEP Jacek Saryusz-Wolski told Euractiv Poland.

Global Europe 16-02-2017

Fleckenstein: Europe needs clarity on US foreign policy

Est. 4min

The unpredictability offered by the Trump presidency has created a dangerous situation the likes of which has not been seen since the turmoil of the early 1990s, MEP Knut Fleckenstein told Euractiv Germany.

Euro & Finance 09-02-2017

Parliament rapporteur: 2018 EU budget should focus on ‘prosperity’ and ‘security’

Est. 7min

The 2018 EU budget should be pro-growth in order to create well-paid jobs but simultaneously boost security both externally and internally, Siegfried Mureșan told in an interview.

Central Europe 07-02-2017

Political analyst: Romania is undergoing a second ‘democratic’ revolution

Est. 9min

The mass demonstrations that have swept Romania since 29 January have kicked off a social insurrection, the likes of which has not been seen since the overthrow of communism in Eastern Europe in 1989, Octavian Milewski told Euractiv Poland.

Technology 03-02-2017

Leading Newspapers Alliance: Media cooperation can affect European Agenda

Est. 14min

The EU has brought countries together more than even before, but the lack of a common debate is problematic. The Leading European Newspaper Alliance (LENA) is working towards this goal by bringing together seven newsrooms from seven European countries.

Future EU 02-02-2017

Senior EU notary: European integration to continue ‘with or without Brexit’

Est. 5min

President of the Council of the Notariats of the European Union (CNUE) José Manuel García Collantes told EURACTIV Spain that the European project is on track and that free movement and integration will continue “with or without Brexit”.

Future EU 02-02-2017

Muscat: Rebutting Trump should not turn into anti-Americanism

Est. 20min

EXCLUSIVE / Donald Trump is offering Europe the opportunity to gain the leadership role that it has always craved, but EU leaders should be vigilant not to fall into the anti-Americanism trap, Malta's premier told in a wide-ranging interview on internal and global challenges, outlining a vision for the future of Europe.

Regional Policy 01-02-2017

Czech Regions VP: Cohesion policy must serve citizens

Est. 4min

Czech and Slovak national delegations to the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) recently presented a joint opinion on the future of cohesion policy after 2020, in which they set out seven common principles and priorities for the next programming period.


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