

Women still left behind in crises despite attention, Estonian ex-president says

Est. 5min

Admitting personal failure in making headway in advancing women and underage people's health, Estonia's former head of state said despite having all the right institutional structures and constant attention, women are still put in last place when "serious" crises erupt.

Enlargement 10-12-2021

Leave Serbia, Montenegro to do their homework, says Belgrade’s human rights minister

Est. 4min

The European Union should move on outstanding promises of enlarging the bloc while leaving the two frontrunners in the waiting room, Serbia and Montenegro, to 'do their homework', Serbia's Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue Gordana Čomić told EURACTIV. "What …


MEP: Diversity is ‘severely missing’ in European Parliament

Est. 4min

Members of the European Parliament are directly elected by citizens to represent them and accordingly should reflect European society, an MEP from the Parliament’s Anti-Racism and Diversity Intergroup (ARDI) told EURACTIV.


More support needed for national equality bodies, stakeholders warn

Est. 5min

You can also read this article in Romanian. National equality bodies across Europe still struggle with different levels of independence and competencies, and the EU should do more to support their efforts in the fight against racial discrimination, …


EU’s anti-racism coordinator: Collecting equality data is vital tool in fight against racism

Est. 10min

Without measuring and quantifying the extent of discrimination and inequalities in Europe, it becomes very difficult to effectively tackle them, the EU's first anti-racism coordinator, Michaela Moua, told EURACTIV. You can also read this interview in Romanian.  Michaela Moua …


Romani inclusion requires binding EU legislation, says MEP

Est. 6min

On the occasion of International Romani Day on 8 April, MEP Romeo Franz (Greens/EFA) spoke with EURACTIV about the continued challenges that Romani communities across Europe face and the importance of legally binding legislation.

Enlargement 30-03-2021

North Macedonia minister: Tensions should ‘naturally decline’ after Bulgarian election

Est. 7min

Tensions between North Macedonia and its southern neighbour Bulgaria, which is blocking Skopje's EU membership bid, should "naturally decline" after the 4 April election in Bulgaria and pave the way for an agreement, North Macedonia's Justice Minister Bojan Marichikj told EURACTIV.


French feminist: Women need to ‘take back’ their place and feel safe in the streets

Est. 6min

Though violence against women exploded around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic, as did economic and social inequalities, the number of femicides has been on the rise since 2019. In an interview with EURACTIV France, feminist activist Marguerite Stern spoke about the position of women in French society.


Police violence more problematic in France than in Germany, says police expert

Est. 9min

Amnesty International has pointed to the "illegal use of force" by French police officers during demonstrations in a recent report. In an interview with EURACTIV France, sociologist Jérémie Gauthier discusses why this is a recurrent issue in France.


Police association head: ‘Zero tolerance’ for right-wing extremism

Est. 5min

The recent discovery of right-wing police chat groups has led many to ask how these tendencies in the police force can be counteracted. Oliver von Dobrowolski, head of the PolizeiGrün, discussed potential ideas for reform.


Corona-related racism could persist longer than the virus, expert warns

Est. 5min

When the coronavirus started spreading earlier this year, a second pandemic developed simultaneously: that of corona-racism. Right-wing extremism researcher Judith Rahner spoke with EURACTIV Germany about racism during the pandemic.


Dalli: ‘There is structural racism also inside the Commission’

Est. 6min

Helena Dalli is the first European Commissioner for Equality, an issue to which she dedicated a big part of her life. In an interview with EURACTIV, she said that racism is “alive” in Europe, and called for "thinking 'out of the box'" to address the structural biases inside the Commission.

Internet of Things 29-01-2020

IT specialist: Gender quotas is ‘how female role models are created’

Est. 7min

In an interview with EURACTIV Germany, business IT specialist and former German Green candidate, Laura Sophie Dornheim, spoke about her quest against online hate, her own experience with it, as well as "crowbar" women's quotas in the tech sector.

Politics 08-03-2018

Nathalie Loiseau: Proactive policies needed to promote women’s talents

Est. 6min

In honour of International Women’s Day, France's European affairs minister, Nathalie Loiseau, talks about women and their place in Europe in an interview with

Politics 08-03-2018

Sylvie Goulard: Putting an end to the abuse of power

Est. 7min

In honour of International Women’s Day, Sylvie Goulard talks about women and their place in Europe in an interview with

Brexit 21-06-2016

Tannock: Mozambican migrants can vote in the UK referendum, but my Slovak wife can’t

Est. 9min

The UK referendum on Europe is heavily stacked in favour of the Brexiteers, MEP Charles Tannock told EURACTIV Slovakia in an exclusive interview.

EU rights watchdog: Challenging gender stereotypes begins at home

Est. 10min

Legislation is only part of the solution. We need a mix of legislative and non-legislative instruments to tackle persistent gender inequalities, especially in advancing women in high-level positions, but that has to start from the grassroots, says Michael O’Flaherty.

Central Europe 27-01-2016

Andriukaitis: Please be worried

Est. 5min

"I know what it means to be discriminated (against)... and when I hear anti-Semitic, anti-Islamic, and xenophobic speech, it’s like a bell ringing, telling people 'Please be worried'," Vytenis Andriukaitis told EURACTIV in an exclusive interview.

Justice 10-05-2011

Reding: ‘Companies don’t take protection of personal data seriously enough’

Est. 9min

Recent data protection breaches involving Apple and Sony show that "the protection of personal data doesn't work properly," says the EU commissioner in charge of justice and fundamental rights Viviane Reding. In a wide-ranging interview with EURACTIV, she also discusses other issues such as EU communications, media funding, Roma discrimination and gender quotas.

Languages & Culture 25-08-2010

Opinion-maker: EU should adopt position on Roma controversy

Est. 6min

The European Commission has been remarkably silent over the treatment of Roma by France and Italy, Dominique Moïsi, founder and senior advisor at Ifri (the French Institute for International Relations), told EURACTIV in an exclusive interview.

Disability group: ‘Swedes can improve weak EU legislation’

Est. 10min

Current proposals for EU anti-discrimination legislation are too weak when it comes to disability rights and require strong action from the Swedish Presidency, European Disability Forum (EDF) Director Carlotta Besozzi told EURACTIV in an interview.