EU Council Presidency

Health 09-03-2022

French disability minister: people with disabilities must engage in politics

Est. 9min

EU disability ministers are meeting in Paris on Wednesday (9 March) to take stock of the EU's disability strategy and exchange best practices. EURACTIV France spoke to the French secretary of state in charge of people with disabilities who initiated the meeting within the French EU Council presidency framework.


French ambassador: Smooth transition between presidency stints in common interest

Est. 5min

France is intensively preparing for its EU presidency starting in January while working closely with Slovenia, whose stint at the helm of the EU is ending, French Ambassador to Slovenia Florence Ferrari told STA in an interview.

Agrifood 07-12-2021

EU farmers chief: Farmers need to know changes to CAP rules by spring

Est. 8min

In an exclusive interview with EURACTIV, Christiane Lambert, president of the EU's farmers association COPA-COGECA, looks back at the major agricultural issues of the year in France and Europe and discusses her expectations for when France takes over the rotating EU Council presidency next month.

Technology 01-12-2021

How the EU law on online services wants to restore trust in the digital sphere

Est. 5min

The general approach to the Digital Services Act (DSA) has been one of the major achievements of the Slovenian Presidency and on 25 November, EU ministers unanimously adopted the mandate to initiate the interinstitutional negotiations on it. The agreement was reached just 11 months after the presentation of the proposal under the leadership of the Slovenian Presidency.

Justice 26-10-2021

Slovenia: New Europol mandate expected by end of this year

Est. 4min

The European Commission, Parliament, and Council will start negotiating the final version of Europol's new mandate on Wednesday (27 October), which could be ready by December,  Slovenia's interior minister Aleš Hojs told in an interview. According to him, "positions of …

Slovenia: Future of Europe debate should focus on resilience

Est. 6min

After the successive crises over two decades, a core issue for the Conference on the Future of Europe should be how to ensure the resilience of the EU and put policies in favour of European citizens first, Slovenia's State Secretary Gašper Dovžan told EURACTIV.

Enlargement 22-06-2021

Slovenian FM: EU inaction in Western Balkans ‘strategically dangerous’

Est. 6min

The EU needs to move "as soon as possible" from a wait-and-see approach to a problem-solving strategy in dealing with enlargement and the Western Balkans, Slovenian Foreign Minister Anže Logar told EURACTIV in an interview about the priorities for his country's upcoming EU Council presidency.

Technology 26-05-2021

Portugal’s contribution to the European Digital Agenda

Est. 5min

Digital transformation of the way Europeans live and do business is one of the priorities of the Portuguese EU Council presidency, which ends on 30 June. To find out how much has been achieved, and what Portugal's successor, Slovenia, should pursue, EURACTIV spoke to Hugo Santos Mendes, Portugal's deputy minister for communications.

Agrifood 15-03-2021

Portugal optimistic CAP reform talks could see breakthrough soon

Est. 4min

Portugal is optimistic an agreement can soon be reached on the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the country's Agriculture Minister Maria do Céu Antunes told EURACTIV in an exclusive interview.


Revamped EU-India link could re-balance China ties, Portuguese FM says

Est. 6min

Relations between the EU and India, especially in the context of an increasingly influential China, will be the central point of the Portuguese EU presidency, Portugal's Foreign Minister Augusto Santos Silva told EURACTIV in an exclusive interview.

Economy 11-03-2020

Expert : Germany could use EU presidency to shape EU-China relations

Est. 8min

In an interview with EURACTIV Germany, director of the Asia programme of the European Council of Foreign Relations, Dr Janka Oertel, described how Germany could play a pivotal role in changing the EU's relations with China and might even force the exclusion of Huawei from the planned 5G expansion across the EU.

Economy 21-10-2019

There is no crisis, we expect growth in 2020, says Germany’s Altmaier

Est. 5min

In an interview with EURACTIV Croatia, German Federal Economy Minister Peter Altmaier spoke about the forthcoming EU presidencies of Croatia and Germany, the controversial zero growth ('Schwarze Null'), and the cooperation with the Western Balkan states.

EU Elections 2019 03-04-2019

Victor Ponta: The ruling PSD in Romania is becoming like Fidesz

Est. 14min

In a wide-ranging interview, the former Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta, who has founded a new centre-left force, Pro-Romania, doesn’t mince his words criticising his former party, the ruling PSD. The Party of European Socialists (PES) should, if necessary, show PSD the red card, he says.

Enlargement 23-01-2019

Romanian EU Presidency to push Western Balkans case, minister says

Est. 5min

Romania's EU presidency will push to improve the prospect of membership talks for Western Balkan nations of Macedonia (FYROM) and Albania, but only after the European elections in May, the country's European affairs minister told EURACTIV in an interview.

Future EU 20-08-2018

Austrian Presidency on the road towards new markets

Est. 7min

Austria's Federal Economic Chamber represents the interests of the country's economic operators but is also a cornerstone of the social partnership enshrined in the constitution.  Its president, Harald Mahrer, spoke to EURACTIV Germany about Austria's economic goals in a changing global economy.

Future EU 21-06-2018

Victor Negrescu: The Romanian Presidency will build consensus around the citizens

Est. 15min

In a wide-ranging interview, Victor Negrescu, the Romanian Minister Delegate for European Affairs, presents the priorities of the upcoming Romanian Presidency (1 January-30 June 2019), during which the European elections will be held, as well as the first post-Brexit EU summit.

Elections 21-06-2018

Dacian Ciolos: ‘We need to show Romanians that politics is not the mafia’

Est. 8min

As Romania prepares to hold the rotating EU presidency at the start of 2019, EURACTIV met with Dacian Cioloș. The former prime minister and agriculture Commissioner has just set up a party in Romania similar to Emmanuel Macron's En Marche, with one eye on the European elections.

Future EU 19-04-2018

Kurz: Austrian EU Presidency to focus on China

Est. 4min

During its July-December EU Presidency, Austria wants to set its own focus on China. To prepare for this, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz paid a visit to the Middle Kingdom. EURACTIV Germany reports from Vienna.

Energy 06-03-2018

Bozhidar Danev: Part of Bulgaria’s fuel sector lies in the grey economy

Est. 11min

Unusually low fuel prices in Bulgaria are probably the result of cartels, or contraband, Bozhidar Danev told in an exclusive interview, saying the authorities have  so far been unable or unwilling to address the issue.

Global Europe 23-11-2017

Chizhov: Syria is almost settled, time for EU to step in

Est. 13min

In a wide-ranging interview on Wednesday (22 November), Russia’s ambassador to the EU discussed Syria and other conflicts, the upcoming Eastern Partnership Summit, his country's relations with Turkey and Bulgaria's Presidency of the Council of the EU.

Enlargement 20-11-2017

Bulgaria’s Simeon: Time to leave a mark after so many years of isolation

Est. 15min

In an exclusive interview in his Vrana Palace near Sofia on 17 November 2017, Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha shared his thoughts on the upcoming Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU. A version of this interview on the website contains the original transcript in Bulgarian.

EU Priorities 2020 20-11-2017

Bulgarian President: I may be a general, but I don’t like warlike rhetoric

Est. 20min

In a wide-ranging interview, Bulgarian President Rumen Radev, whose country takes over the EU's  rotating six-month Presidency in January, discussed European policies, the upcoming Bulgarian Presidency, and  his contradictions with Prime Minister Boyko Borissov.

Central Europe 08-11-2017

Swoboda: ‘Borissov? We have had many strange guys leading governments’

Est. 7min

The former long-serving leader of the S&D group in the European Parliament Hannes Swoboda provided insight ahead of the visit to Brussels on Wednesday (8 November) of the Bulgarian government in preparation for the upcoming Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU.

Technology 04-10-2017

Pilar del Castillo: With changed rules, EU telecoms bill ‘can really boost investment’

Est. 11min

Pilar del Castillo, the Spanish centre-right MEP leading negotiations on the EU's new telecoms bill, defends in an interview the European Parliament’s agreement on telecoms competition.