Tobacco & Alternatives

Health 07-05-2021

MEP: E-cigarettes have a place in EU cancer plan, but we must remain vigilant

Est. 6min

E-cigarettes “undoubtedly” reduce risks compared to traditional cigarettes and have a place in the EU's plan to fight cancer. However, these products should not enjoy “lighter” regulation and Europe should treat them with the same vigilance as tobacco products, MEP Michèle Rivasi told EURACTIV in an interview.

Health 04-09-2018

JTI boss: EU Scientific Advisory Mechanism could adjust tobacco directive to reality

Est. 6min

The next European Commission should enhance its collaboration with the EU’s Scientific Advisory Mechanism (SAM), which would provide bias-free consultancy and eventually adjust the Tobacco Product Directive to the reality, JTI’s Ramunas Macius said in an interview with


Health 15-11-2017

Patients’ leader: Reimbursed anti-smoking programmes are a way to kill COPD

Est. 7min

Stricter rules on smoking, reimbursed anti-smoking programmes and smoke-free public places are among the ways to prevent chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) from being a public health crisis, says Mikaela Odemyr.

Health 14-11-2017

Kadenbach MEP: Tobacco warnings should mention chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Est. 5min

Progress has been made on tobacco products health warnings but the next round of graphic labelling should also mention the less-known chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which happens to be the second cause of death worldwide, MEP Karin Kadenbach told


Health 24-05-2017

Andriukaitis: Anti-smoking laws are of little value if they are not implemented

Est. 6min

Member states should prioritise laws that protect public health because there is little value in having them if they are not enforced, the EU's health Commissioner told in an interview.

Trade & Society 07-02-2017

EU anti-fraud official: Tobacco smuggling is ‘major source’ of organised crime

Est. 9min

Cigarette smuggling costs national and EU budgets more than €10 billion annually in lost public revenue and is a major source of organised crime, including terrorism, Margarete Hofmann told Euractiv in an interview.

Health 26-01-2017

Czech MEP: EU should pressure Belarus over illicit tobacco trade

Est. 5min

The European Union and its member states should pressure Belarus to combat the trade in illicit tobacco and adopt a “stick and carrot” approach with sanctions if necessary, Czech MEP Tomáš Zdechovský told

Borg: Labelling isn’t the answer to the horsemeat scandal

Est. 7min

The Commissioner for health and consumer affairs tells EURACTIV that the horsemeat scandal should be seen for what it is: a fraud rather than a flaw in the regulation. He favours introducing tougher penalties for such incidents, but believes food labelling should be kept as a separate issue.

Health 03-04-2012

Criminologist: Crime will flow from tobacco rules

Est. 5min

A new report on the crime effects of smoking demonstrates that there would be an increase in counterfeit cigarettes, smuggling, and hard-line new rules could be counter-productive, argues Milan-based professor Ernesto Savona.

Public Affairs 01-07-2008

Advertising boss: EU cannot market itself properly

Est. 17min

European institutions in Brussels could learn from advertisers in better promoting the benefits of EU membership to citizens, argues Gary Leih, CEO of Ogilvy UK and President of the European Association of Communication Agencies (EACA) in an interview with EURACTIV.

Health 14-02-2005

Kyprianou: I strongly support bans on smoking in public places

Est. 9min

Markos Kyprianou told EURACTIV that promoting healthy
lifestyles and mental health, as well as ensuring food safety,
would be among his priorities as commissioner for health and
consumer protection. He added that it was his ambition
to have smoking bans introduced in all member states by
the end of his term.