Pharmaceutical Industry

Health 12-07-2022

Pharma CEO: Gap between EU vision and national competencies affects health agenda

Est. 6min

Despite an exceptional unity of intent during the pandemic, the revision of the bloc's pharmaceutical legislation could suffer a bump between the EU's vision for health and this is still conceived at the national level, according to the CEO of a pharma company.

Coronavirus 23-03-2020

Pharma boss: EU will have to focus on long-term medical research ecosystem

Est. 9min

After the coronavirus crisis is over, Europe will need policies that can create a research ecosystem in the long run as well as ensure access to medicines to the patients who need them in a way that is sustainable for health systems today and tomorrow, a leading representative of European pharmaceuticals told EURACTIV in an interview.

Health 11-07-2019

Czech drug policy shifts toward patients with rare diseases

Est. 6min

The Czech government has launched a legislative initiative to improve access to most modern medications and rare disease drugs, Health Minister Adam Vojtěch told EURACTIV in an interview, adding that patients are involved in the decision-making process at a very early stage, including in drafting the law.

Health 04-12-2018

Greek pharma boss: ‘We reached our limits, our sustainability is at stake’

Est. 8min

The Greek pharmaceutical industry has reached its limits due to a number of “unreasonable” burdens imposed by the government during the crisis, Greek pharma chief Olympios Papadimitriou told in an interview. The sustainability of pharma companies is at stake, threatening 86,000 jobs, he said.

Health 10-07-2018

Investment in digital health and access to drugs at the core of Austrian Presidency

Est. 11min

Austria's EU Presidency will focus on "strong" investment in digital health as well as on regulatory issues when it comes to access to medicines, Dr Clemens Martin Auer told in an interview. Dr Clemens Martin Auer is the president of the European …

Health 03-07-2018

EFPIA President: Next EU Commission should prioritise competitiveness in pharma innovation

Est. 11min

The next European Commission should focus on the bloc’s role in the global context of innovation, as China is “decisive” about creating a reliable framework for intellectual property and connecting biotech start-ups and digital companies, EFPIA’s President Stefan Oschmann told in an interview.


Health 29-01-2018

Health expert: Europe should not put its dominant pharma innovation at risk

Est. 6min

The European Union should not create an environment more favourable to generics compared to the innovative pharmaceuticals, as it risks weakening Europe’s overall global strength in pharmaceuticals and in research, Professor Adrian Towse told in an interview.

Health 07-12-2017

Celgene boss: Chronic diseases will bankrupt Europe if incentives are dropped

Est. 9min

Alzheimers, diabetes, cancer and other non-communicable diseases will bankrupt Europe if we don’t keep the incentive frameworks alive and well, Mark Alles told in an interview.