Personalised drugs

Health 10-10-2017

Pharma boss: Targeting drugs won’t make healthcare systems more sustainable

Est. 9min

“Salami-slicing” the cost of medicines, which represent almost one-fifth of health system budgets and are subject to rigorous value assessments, won’t make healthcare systems more sustainable in the future, Nathalie Moll told in an interview.

Health 07-04-2017

IMI chief: ‘We need to learn how to share data in a safe and ethical manner’

Est. 7min

Ethicists, humanists, lawyers and patients should come together to understand the risk of data in healthcare and whether patients are willing to take that risk, Pierre Meulien told

Health 09-12-2016

Health minister: Drugs pricing will top Malta’s EU presidency

Est. 8min

The Maltese EU presidency will seek more transparency in the way pharmaceutical companies negotiate with member states on medicines’ pricing, Health Minister Chris Fearne said in an interview with EURACTIV.

Health 26-07-2016

Pharma expert: new ‘value added medicines’ offer cheaper, customised treatment

Est. 9min

A new breed of drugs, called “value added medicines”, could help patients improve their everyday life while in treatment, without increasing healthcare budgets, Christoph Stoller said in an interview with

Health 13-06-2016

EU drugs chief: ‘US now looks to Europe on decriminalisation’

Est. 6min

The internet provides a vast marketplace for new dangerous substances and drug prevention authorities risk being left in the wake of dealers and distributors, warned the head of the EMCDDA, Alexis Goosdeel. EURACTIV Germany reports.

Technology 29-04-2016

Ex-DARPA chief: ‘Innovation with no goals is not efficient’

Est. 8min

Ken Gabriel has dedicated his life to innovation and entrepreneurship at Google, and the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). For Gabriel innovation boils down to “satisfying an unmet need”.