Energy & Environment

Advocacy Lab Content

ESG requirements are making metals more sustainable, industry says

Est. 8min

New metal production practices prompted by revised expectations from governments and investors are already affecting countries like Indonesia. However, there are concerns about rising costs and a lack of regulatory coordination.

German car industry association (VDA) president Hildegard Müller warned that the European Commission's move "further increases the risk of a global trade conflict.”
Electric vehicles 12-06-2024

German car industry, government react against EU EV tariffs as BMW faces 21% duty 

Est. 4min

The German car industry association VDA and senior government ministers criticised the EU’s preliminary tariffs on China-made electric cars announced today (12 June), which will also hit European companies producing in China, such as BMW and Dacia. 

Economy 12-06-2024

UPDATE: EU-China tensions flare up as Chinese government backlashes against EU tariffs announcement

Est. 4min

The EU will put additional tariffs on electric cars produced in China, the European Commission announced on Wednesday (12 June), as preliminary result of a anti-subsidy investigation showed prices being distorted by Chinese state support.


The show ‘can’ go on

Est. 6min

Post elections, the EU’s climate advocacy space is forced to contend with an awkward reality: Contrary to its doom-laden warnings, the centre held, the far right is not in power, and progress remains possible.

New report finds corporate cars ‘leading on pollution, lagging on electric’

Est. 3min

The company car market, which is ideally positioned to move towards electric-vehicles, is lagging behind the private market for the third year in a row, a new report by green group Transport & Environment (T&E) finds.


The green movement in the Baltic States: Between hope and reality

Est. 4min

Polls predict that the Green/EFA group will post a fourfold increase in the number of European Parliament seats for the Baltic States after this weekend's elections. Euractiv spoke with local experts, who cautioned that this increase does not constitute a real 'green wave' in the region.


Christophe Grudler – the European Parliament’s nuclear man

Est. 5min

Since his election in 2019, liberal French MEP Christophe Grudler has become the figurehead for nuclear power energy in the European Parliament. Euractiv spoke to the Renew lawmaker, who is running for a second term in the Parliament. 

"We're going to have to pay for the decarbonised economy with the carbon economy" advocates European Parliament Transport Committee Chair Karima Delli
Future of mobility 07-06-2024

Outgoing EU parliament transport chair Karima Delli talks trains, planes and automobiles

Est. 5min

Set to bid farewell to the European Parliament after three successive terms, French Green MEP and chair of the Transport Committee Karima Delli told Euractiv that the biggest achievement of her time there is bringing transport high on the agenda.

Regular farmer protests – and the accompanying dramatic photos – ensured that nature protection remained a constant talking point in the run up to elections.

Energy and environment files on the campaign trail

Est. 5min

It is often argued that EU policy debates are detached from the everyday lives of European citizens and that European Parliament elections are fought on national and local issues. But the 2024 election campaigns were different.


EU rules on e-fuels threaten to create ‘CO2 tourism’

Est. 5min

German Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP/Renew) warned against "CO2 tourism", as EU rules for renewable fuels could lead to liquified CO2 from Europe being shipped to other parts of the world to produce e-fuels for the EU market.

Batteries 06-06-2024

French players see EV battery recycling opportunities but face regulatory hurdles

Est. 4min

As electric vehicle continue their rollout, Euractiv spoke with several French industry players looking at battery recycling to capture and re-use critical raw materials.

Advocacy Lab Content
Climate change 06-06-2024

Forest risk management needs better data monitoring, say experts

Est. 5min

Natural disasters prompted by climate change are putting pressure on EU forest resilience, but the bloc’s Forest Monitoring Law could help forest owners, researchers, policymakers and civil society address these risks.


Electrification: Europe’s forgotten industry decarbonisation option

Est. 4min

After having spent years on hydrogen, policymakers should now focus on the direct electrification that could deliver 90% of process heat by 2035, argues a new study by think-tank Agora Industry.


Europe after the green tide

Est. 7min

When Europeans awoke after the last European Elections in 2019, the EU was hit by a “green wave”, sending an unprecedented number of Green members of MEPs to Brussels. Five years later, what was the legacy of this wave?


Brussels gives conditional approval for €1.7bn German coal exit subsidy

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The German government announced on Tuesday (4 June) that it has received approval in principle from Brussels to allocate subsidies worth €1.75 billion to coal major LEAG but with the payout of one-third of the sum contingent upon future power and CO2 prices.


Nuclear: SMRs alliance unveils their roadmap up to early 2025

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Last week's General Assembly of the SMR Industrial Alliance (May 29 and 30) provided an opportunity to define the roadmap for the coming months, and to appoint the chairmen of the working groups.

Climate change 04-06-2024

EU Commission strengthens Europe’s crisis response abilities

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In response to a growing number of emergencies - particularly climate-related disasters - the European Commission is looking for better coordination and new tools to strengthen the bloc's crisis-response abilities.


Years of EU-Japan hydrogen cooperation finally brings success

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Several European hydrogen players have signed cooperation agreements with their Japanese counterparts amid an EU visit to Tokyo – where tackling China’s clean tech dominance is becoming a priority.

Special ReportAdvocacy Lab Content

Is the EU Green Deal ignoring the potential of local action?

Est. 4min

Ahead of the EU elections this week, grassroots local campaigners are putting pressure on lawmakers to change the top-down way they’re organising climate policy.


Germany likely to miss 2030 climate goal, government advisors say

Est. 4min

Germany is likely to miss its 2030 greenhouse gas targets, government climate advisors said on Monday, contradicting the climate minister's prediction in March and calling for new policy measures.

Agrifood 31-05-2024

Indigenous groups warn of continued deforestation in Malaysia, as EU law nears

Est. 5min

Representatives of Malaysia’s indigenous peoples, along with climate and human rights NGOs, urged the European Commission to involve civil society in discussions about the EU’s anti-deforestation regulation (EUDR) during a visit to Brussels this week.


Energy ministers conclude Belgian Council presidency with ‘EU Supergrid’ plan

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EU energy ministers committed to work towards deeper integration of the European electricity grid and to facilitate longer-term and more cross-border planning at Thursday's (30 May) meeting of the Energy Council, the last under Belgium's six-month Council presidency.

Electricity 31-05-2024

Renewables ‘the way to go’, Austrian-Spanish alliance signals to new Commission

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At a breakfast meeting before Thursday's (30 May) Energy Council, the EU’s pro-renewables countries agreed to push the incoming Commission for more policies favouring their technology.

Energy 31-05-2024

Ukrainian ‘ecocide app’ calculates Russia’s bill for environmental damage

Est. 5min

Ukraine’s environment has been the “silent victim” of the Russian invasion, according to Ukrainian environment minister Ruslan Strilets, but thanks to app-wielding Ukrainian citizens, he can now put a price on the damage – more than €56 billion so far.

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