Heating & cooling

Member states push for faster decarbonisation of heating and cooling

Est. 3min

On Wednesday (15 May), 15 EU countries published a joint working document calling on the European Commission to prioritise the decarbonisation of heating and cooling, to increase the EU's energy independence and meet its climate targets.

Special ReportAdvocacy Lab Content

Climate friendly Paris Olympic Games focused on low carbon, repurposed construction

Est. 5min

The Paris Olympic Games have opted for low-carbon construction and the repurposing of existing facilities for its sports infrastructure. The target is to produce half the emissions of the Rio and London games.

Special ReportAdvocacy Lab Content

Paris Olympic Village getting climate fit for 2050

Est. 5min

Paris is getting climate fit for July's Olympic Games. The Olympic Village is vaunted as an experimental model showcasing adaptations France needs for 2050's climate shift, and Olympic athletes could be modelling future living for the rest of Europe. 

France’s battle plan to produce one million heat pumps a year

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The French Minister of Economy and Energy, Bruno Le Maire, unveiled on Monday (15 April) the government's plan to revive its heat pump industry, which comes amidst a slump in European heat pump manufacturing.

Energy 22-01-2024

EU Parliament calls for European strategy on geothermal energy

Est. 4min

A resolution adopted by EU lawmakers calls for a European strategy to accelerate the deployment and investment in geothermal energy.

European heat pump sales are collapsing

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Quarterly sales figures of heat pumps in Europe are in a slump amid a 14% drop compared to last year’s quarter, which the industry says was caused by political uncertainty and dropping gas prices.

Europe starts the clock on greening Soviet-era heating grids

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As Europe aims to reach climate neutrality by 2050, transforming the massive pipeline networks heating millions of homes poses a huge engineering challenge.

EU reaches deal on exit schedule from climate-wrecking F-gases

Est. 4min

Lawmakers in Brussels have agreed on the dates by which heat pumps and electrical equipment must ditch fluorinated gases and switch to more climate-friendly alternatives.

France treading carefully on gas boiler ban following German debacle

Est. 4min

Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne has sketched a timetable to ban the sale of new gas boilers in France but decision-makers are treading carefully as some fear the government may face similar difficulties as Germany with its own phase-out plan.

Politics 07-07-2023

Slovakia’s solar panels may not all be eligible for EU funds

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Fewer solar panels and heat pumps are expected to be funded through EU funds in Slovakia in the future as the environmental ‘do no significant harm’ principle will be among the criteria to apply for state funding from July. The change …

Why Austria has yet to pass its 2023 boiler ban

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Austria's heating law, which aimed to ban new fossil-fuel heaters from 2023, has been stuck in parliament for months as the government has yet to obtain the necessary backing from the centre-left SPÖ. 

Buildings 23-06-2023

German boiler ‘culture war’ looms large over EU buildings directive

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As final talks on the EU’s buildings directive kick off in Brussels, advocates of an ambitious reform are warning against a repeat of Germany’s boiler war that risks hindering ambitious climate action.

Heat pump ‘readiness indicator’ to evaluate savings for consumers

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Europe’s power system will face additional strain in winter as the electrification of heating progresses, making the renovation of buildings an essential element to reduce strain on the electricity grid and optimise the performance of heat pumps.

Politics 21-06-2023

Slovenia extends fuel price regulation by another year

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The Slovenian government has extended the existing system of partial regulation of motor fuel and heating oil prices for another year.

Politics 15-06-2023

Slovakia’s gap in heat pump subsidies could ‘lose a year’ of progress

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Households in Slovakia postpone replacing their old fossil fuel boilers with greener heat pumps due to a six-month subsidy lag during a crucial period before the heating season, said Petra Čakovská of the Slovak consumer group SOS.

Germany aims to connect 100,000 buildings to district heating every year

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The high-profile political spat over the end of fossil fuel boilers in Germany may end up benefitting demand for connections to city-wide heating grids similar to those currently deployed in Berlin, with plans to connect 100,000 buildings every year.

Politics 14-06-2023

German government resolves paralysis over heating policy

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A controversial law banning fossil-fuel heating will enter the German parliament this week, the party leaders of Germany’s three-way coalition announced on Tuesday, resolving a months-long feud and blockade of government business. The legislation is a flagship policy of the Greens, …

Europe’s ‘heat pump valley’ takes root in the East

Est. 6min

A global race has started to manufacture the millions of heat pumps needed to decarbonise heating, with Asian and East European countries taking a head start.

Opposition set to defeat Germany’s proposed 2024 boiler ban

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Germany’s planned ban on new fossil heaters looks set to be defeated by staunch parliament opposition and could take as long as 2030 to come fully into effect. In 2021, the German government agreed to require new heaters to run on …

EU Parliament votes for quick phase-out of planet warming F-gases

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The European Parliament has adopted its position on the phase-out of F-gases, opting for a faster pathway, much to the consternation of business groups who are now turning to EU countries still deliberating their position.

Energy 08-03-2023

Women more likely to fall into energy poverty, EU Parliament warns

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Women have always been among those most affected by energy poverty, but the COVID-19 pandemic and the energy crisis have exacerbated inequalities and widened the gender divide, according to the European Parliament's committee on women’s rights.

Plans to ban fossil fuel heaters spark outrage in Germany

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A draft law to ban the installation of new oil and gas heaters from next year has sparked outrage in Germany, adding fuel to continued government infighting in Berlin between the Greens and the Liberals.

Energy 18-11-2022

Solar, wind industry worried about ‘daft’ EU permitting rules

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New emergency permitting rules tabled by the European Commission just over a week ago would concern only “new” renewable energy projects and fail to address the hundreds of gigawatts currently stuck in the administrative pipeline, industry sources say.

Berlin to create dedicated electricity price subsidy for heat pumps

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To meet the German target of six million heat pumps by 2030, upcoming government support for consumer gas and electricity bills will include a special provision for heat pumps so as not to upset those who already invested in them.