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Economy 23-04-2024

Oliver Röpke’s big tent approach in his first year as EESC president

Est. 6min

After one year in office, the launch of a bold manifesto including the voices of youth, an emphasis on gender equality, and a fresh approach to enlargement, Oliver Röpke, President of the EESC is making waves with a Blue Deal.

Economy 24-10-2023

Germany’s Habeck calls for ‘Zeitenwende’ on industrial subsidies

Est. 5min

In a plea to coalition partners and the European Commission, German Economy Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) called for more subsidies to secure industrial production and jobs.

Economy 13-10-2023

Don’t touch my money: Rich regions concerned by perspective of EU enlargement

Est. 6min

Wealthier European Union regions are concerned that enlargement could result in a reduction in cohesion funds, but the European Commission said it is still too early to start talking about money. 

Economy 29-09-2023

ECB’s Lagarde calls for EU-issued green bonds

Est. 5min

The European Central Bank (ECB), the European Investment Bank (EIB), and the International Energy Agency (IEA) have called for a faster transition towards clean energy, with ECB President Christine Lagarde arguing for a "green Capital Markets Union" and EU-issued green bonds.

Economy 29-09-2023

Germany’s reunification, 33 years on: East-West divide persists

Est. 5min

33 years after German reunification, wealth disparities still form the “most significant differences” between the former West and the East, German government Commissioner Carsten Schneider said, but differences within the government make it impossible to counteract.

Economy 20-07-2023

Special pensions, tax exemptions plague Romania’s budget as EU scrutiny continues

Est. 7min

Romania’s ballooning public deficit has warranted European scrutiny as spending has increased thanks to an overly generous special pensions system for a select number of public officials while revenues have been hurt by a number of tax exemptions.

Economy 19-07-2023

High budget deficit puts pressure on Bucharest government

Est. 5min

The Romanian government is under increasing pressure to reign in its soaring budget deficit, risking punitive measures by the EU Commission if the budget deficit is not brought back under control before the end of the year.

Cities & regions 03-07-2023

Experts, cities, regions worried over repurposing of cohesion funds

Est. 5min

The European Commission’s plan to reshuffle cohesion funds to finance innovative technologies is heightening concerns over the repeated use of the EU’s place-based policy to address new emerging needs and EU’s recentralising tendencies.

Economy 17-05-2023

Hungary’s blocked EU funds: MEPs concerned over ongoing rule of law issues

Est. 3min

Hungary needs to fulfil all conditions required to unblock EU funds as soon as possible to ensure they reach citizens and businesses, EU lawmakers from the budgetary control committee said, as rule of law problems persist.

Economy 10-05-2023

European Parliament divided in debate over new debt rules

Est. 4min

In a parliamentary debate on the European Commission’s proposal for new fiscal rules, EU lawmakers offered views diverging widely along both ideological and national lines, putting the Parliament’s ability to make its voice heard in the upcoming negotiations in doubt.

Politics 04-05-2023

Hungary must go further to access EU funds, says Commission

Est. 3min

The impasse between the EU and Hungary over access to the bloc’s post-pandemic recovery funds remains, despite moves by Hungarian lawmakers this week to adopt new laws to address EU rule of law concerns. 

Economy 11-04-2023

Cohesion funds increase inequality within EU regions, study finds

Est. 4min

The EU's cohesion policy, which aims at reducing regional disparities, benefits high-skilled, richer households more than low-income households and exacerbates inequality within EU regions, according to a recent study.

Economy 27-03-2023

Germany launches pooling platform to support Ukraine’s reconstruction

Est. 4min

The German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development on Monday (27 March) launched a new digital platform to reinforce German commitment to the reconstruction process in Ukraine.

Economy 24-03-2023

Industrial policy: Will the EU have the money to finance its ambitions?

Est. 6min

The European Commission put forward ambitious proposals last week that aim to position the EU as a global leader in green industry growth, yet how the plans will be financed remains an open question.

Politics 14-03-2023

Croatia PM unveils new €1.7 billion relief package

Est. 2min

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic presented a new relief package worth €1.7 billion at a meeting behind closed doors of Croatia’s Economic and Social Council (GSV) on Monday. The new measures are grouped into three main areas, intended to offset the rising …

Economy 14-03-2023

EU’s Breton: Joint debt for green transition no longer a priority

Est. 5min

Joint borrowing is currently not an option to help member states finance the green transition, Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton said on Monday (13 March), marking a shift from previous calls for 'mutualised tools' at the European level.

Economy 13-03-2023

EU state aid: The good and the bad of opening the floodgates

Est. 5min

The EU’s Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework (TCTF), which allows member states to subsidise sustainable technologies, is welcomed by advocates for green industrial policy - but some NGOs fear it will be counterproductive for the environment and SMEs.

Politics 13-03-2023

Romania finds ways to unlock €3 billion recovery plan payment

Est. 2min

The government has found ways to address the milestones needed for Romania to get the second payment of the national recovery and resilience plan – funds that the Commission has blocked since January. Romanian officials and Commission representatives have discussed the …

Politics 13-03-2023

Spain, Commission agree to controversial pension reform

Est. 2min

The government and the European Commission reached a last-minute agreement on a controversial pension system reform which paves the way for Madrid to receive the next tranches of the EU’s Next Generation funds. After months of work and tangible divergences between …

Politics 03-03-2023

Spanish construction giant headquartering in Netherlands causes uproar

Est. 2min

The unexpected announcement by the Spanish construction giant Ferrovial to move its headquarters from Madrid to The Netherlands over better tax policies prompted a storm of reactions in Spain on Thursday, with left-wing junior coalition member Unidas Podemos accusing the …

Politics 02-03-2023

EU prosecutors prove to be a welcome addition to Croatia’s anti-corruption efforts

Est. 4min

The European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO), which investigates fraud and corruption related to EU funds, launched 23 investigations in Croatia in 2022 for cases with total estimated damages of over €313 million, according to their annual report released on Wednesday. Since …

Politics 02-03-2023

Slovakia moving forward with biggest investment in green electricity

Est. 2min

Slovakia has approximately €122 million earmarked for developing renewable electricity production in the National Recovery plan.

Economy 28-02-2023

EU debt rules: Member states edge closer to agreement on reform

Est. 6min

According to draft conclusions for an EU leaders' meeting at the end of March, seen by EURACTIV, member states seem to agree on more country-specific fiscal paths instead of relying on one-size-fits-all numerical targets.

Politics 28-02-2023

EPPO investigates multi-million euro fraud in Bulgaria

Est. 3min

The European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) is investigating a possible fraud case after they discovered a private company knowingly submitted false data for their annual reports in order to under-declare their emissions output under the EU Emissions Trading System (EU …