Modern farming

Special ReportAdvocacy Lab Content
Agrifood 05-06-2024

Fix biosolutions legislative landscape or lose talent and scale-ups, says strategist

Est. 6min

Investors champion biotechnology with AI as the engine of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, but despite Europe’s strong ambitions biotech analysts say legislation designed for chemicals is not fit for the biological. The result is an exodus of talent and investment.

Special ReportAdvocacy Lab Content
Agrifood 30-05-2024

Improve pig welfare standards, demand animal rights advocates

Est. 5min

Pig producers across the EU should deliver higher welfare standards than the EU Pig Directive currently requires, say activists who are now calling for better practices and additional measures to ensure pig welfare.

Special ReportAdvocacy Lab Content
Agrifood 28-05-2024

Smallholder farmers struggling with new forestry requirements

Est. 8min

Farmers with small plots of land are struggling with new requirements as part of the EU Deforestation Regulation, lacking resources and technical know-how, and leaving them open to exploitation by larger suppliers.

Special ReportAdvocacy Lab Content
Agrifood 24-04-2024

Next generation farming powered with AI product innovation

Est. 5min

Europe’s agri sector is under pressure. Farmers are taking heat for the climate crisis, trying to keep their heads above flood water, deal with extreme weather events, and keep pace with changes in consumer demand. AI may help. 

Special ReportAdvocacy Lab Content
Agrifood 02-04-2024

Dolly’s revenge, European Commission proposes to drop wolves’ protection status

Est. 6min

The European Commission’s proposal to drop wolves’ protection status under the Bern Convention from ‘strictly protected species’ to ‘protected species’ came as a blow to conservation advocates fighting the magnus malus lupus' corner in Europe.

Agrifood 09-02-2024

Grinding to a halt, Europe’s fertiliser sector facing ruin by Russia

Est. 6min

Europe’s Herculean efforts to reduce energy reliance on Russia have not been matched when it comes to fertiliser. The European Council’s hesitation to add fertilisers to Russian sanctions is putting Europe’s fertiliser industry at risk of catastrophe.

Agrifood 09-02-2023

Austria to use space tech for farming subsidies allocation

Est. 5min

Austria has decided to mobilise satellite technology to check in detail whether farms are meeting the conditions for receiving billions in EU agriculture subsidies, a task which is often very complex and costly for national authorities.

Agrifood 05-10-2022

Commission stands by gene editing survey slammed by NGOs

Est. 4min

A coalition of NGOs has joined forces to lambast the European Commission’s consultation process on its upcoming policy initiative on gene editing technologies - but the EU executive insists that a broad range of voices have already been heard on the contentious issue.

Agrifood 28-04-2022

Albanian beekeepers cautious over draft law to align with EU acquis

Est. 5min

Albania’s beekeeping sector will be regulated as the government has proposed the final draft of a new law that would impact those with just one hive, in an effort to align with the EU acquis. But not all beekeepers are buzzing over the news.

Agrifood 08-04-2022

Industrial emissions proposal criticised by farming sector

Est. 6min

Lawmakers and stakeholders close to the agriculture community accused the EU executive of being disconnected from reality and creating additional bureaucracy after presenting new rules to curb pollution in the industrial sector.

Agrifood 19-01-2022

Member states put pedal to the metal on Commission’s carbon farming plans

Est. 4min

Member states are keen to step up talks on carbon sequestration in farming under the French EU presidency, given the Commission's legislative proposal expected by the end of the year.

Agrifood 22-11-2021

Expert: Carbon farming ideal to boost Poland’s yields

Est. 5min

Carbon farming practices could help Polish farmers cope with permanent drought as they could increase the productivity of their yields, an expert has told EURACTIV Poland.

Agrifood 18-11-2021

French farmers endorse carbon farming but highlight transition costs

Est. 5min

With its low carbon strategy, the French government aims to green agriculture through the development of carbon sequestration in soils. French farmers salute the strategy but call for stronger aids for the transition to be financially sustainable.

Agrifood 17-11-2021

Berlin says carbon farming ‘high priority’ as farmers call for further action

Est. 6min

While carbon farming is a priority for the German government, farmers say they are not doing enough to support measures financially. Environmentalists add that some of the promoted practices have limited climate value.

Agrifood 02-09-2021

First gene edited ‘cancer-cutting’ wheat trials get the go ahead in UK

Est. 4min

The UK government has granted permission for a series of field trials of gene edited wheat for the first time in Europe, marking a move away from the EU’s stance on the matter.

Agrifood 20-07-2021

EU countries back cage-free farming initiative with some caveats

Est. 5min

Representatives of member states have endorsed the European Commission's ambition to phase out cage rearing in the EU, but showed far less enthusiasm than the European Parliament and expressed concerns about the timeline of the initiative and the appropriate financial support for farmers.

Agrifood 02-07-2021

Restoring pride top priority for Generation Z farmers

Est. 6min

Generation Z - those born between 1997 and 2015 - is faced with the future farming paradox: it is an exciting time to be a farmer with many opportunities opened up by innovation, but a farmer's life has never been so complicated.

Agrifood 24-06-2021

Agricultural education too ‘stale’ for tomorrow’s farmers, says expert

Est. 4min

Agricultural education is “stale” and in need of a shake-up to help tomorrow's farmers meet the challenges ahead, according to a leading veterinary consultant and educator, Tommy Heffernan, who said the sector is facing a decade of "massive change".

Agrifood 12-05-2021

‘Conservationist’ farmers confirm support for glyphosate renewal

Est. 4min

Proponents of glyphosate renewal count on farmers putting in place agronomic practices following Conservative Agriculture (CA) principles in their bid to get the EU green light for the controversial weed killer.

Agrifood 21-04-2021

EU farmers at odds with agriculture Commissioner after controversial tweets

Est. 4min

EU farmers have told EURACTIV they have been left feeling unrepresented by the EU Agricultural Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski after he posted a series of controversial tweets criticising industrial farming. 

Agrifood 07-04-2021

Report: majority of consumers want compulsory labelling on all genetically modified food

Est. 6min

A majority of European consumers want to see compulsory labelling on food products containing genetically modified crops, according to a recent Ipsos report, but industry players insist that this is impossible to implement.

Agrifood 10-03-2021

Women farmers ‘essential’ for future, says French agriculture minister

Est. 4min

An increasing number of women in France are entering the agricultural world, dominated by men for so long. EURACTIV France takes a closer look at the role of women farmers in the country.

Agrifood 15-01-2021

2021: The year of the CAP

Est. 6min

2019 is likely to be the year in which the much awaited reform of the main EU's massive farming subsidies programme, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), will see the light.

Agrifood 15-01-2021

Commission at odds with Parliament over GM crop authorisations

Est. 4min

The EU executive looks set to press ahead with a "new approach" to genetically modified (GM) crop authorisations in the wake of persistent lack of political support for the technology in the European Parliament.