Food labelling

Agrifood 28-02-2024

EU Parliament strengthens quality safeguards on traditional European foods

Est. 4min

The final version of the revised regulation on Geographical Indications (GIs), approved on Wednesday (28 February), boosts protections for food products and producers, though the Greens criticised the lack of mandatory environmental commitments.

Agrifood 13-02-2024

EFSA chief shares inconvenient truths about sustainable food, Green Deal

Est. 6min

Topics such as the changing of food habits and who bears the cost for the transition are politically sensitive and are not addressed in the debate on sustainable food systems, said EFSA director Bernhard Url, who is expected to leave in May after 10 years at the helm of the Authority.

The EU institutions agreed on new labelling rules improving the transparency on the origin of honey.
Agrifood 31-01-2024

Parliament, member states strike deal on ‘breakfast directive’ to combat food fraud

Est. 4min

The Parliament and member states struck a deal on the so-called breakfast directive, which includes measures improving the transparency on the origin of the bees’ product. Honey is one of the most adulterated foods.

Agrifood 24-01-2024

Commission convinced on ability to stringently assess risks, safety of lab-grown meat

Est. 3min

Responding to the concerns of a majority of member states on the potential impacts of the technology, Commissioner Stella Kyriakides said that the EU is on “very solid ground” when it comes to risk assessment and labelling.

Agrifood 08-01-2024

Belgium puts Nutriscore labelling back on EU agenda

Est. 3min

Belgium's EU Council presidency will hold a scientific symposium in April on the controversial nutritional labelling of food to “share experiences” on the system, reopening the debate between member states that use it and those opposing its adoption at the EU level.

Agrifood 19-12-2023

Chocolate wars as Italian artisans battle Swiss giant

Est. 4min

Turin's famed gianduiotto, a small, creamy chocolate that melts on the tongue, is at the centre of a battle for European recognition pitting Italian artisans against Swiss giant Lindt.

Agrifood 19-04-2023

‘Champagne of beers’ falls foul of French protections

Est. 2min

Belgian customs have destroyed almost 2,400 cans of US-brewed beer bearing the slogan "The Champagne of Beers", France's Champagne Committee said Tuesday (18 April), in the latest episode around the bubbly's fiercely-protected designation.

Agrifood 01-02-2023

German agri minister slammed for leaving livestock measures up to EU

Est. 4min

Germany's agriculture ministry is not doing enough to restructure animal husbandry and relies too much on possible EU-level steps, Socialist agriculture lawmakers wrote in a joint paper released Tuesday (31 January).

Agrifood 27-01-2023

Italy seeks dialogue with Ireland in wine label row

Est. 5min

Italians have not given up on opposing Ireland’s plan to introduce cancer warnings on wine bottles, hoping to switch the Irish government representatives to milder positions by approaching them in Brussels.

Agrifood 14-12-2022

Solution to food labelling puzzle to be found under Swedish presidency

Est. 5min

The European Commission and EU lawmakers will keep putting together all the pieces of the complex front-of-pack food labelling puzzle during the upcoming Swedish EU Council presidency after little progress was reached under the Czech one.

Agrifood 22-11-2022

Italy’s new agriculture minister reaffirms stance against colour-coded labelling

Est. 4min

At the first meeting with his EU counterparts, the new Italian agriculture minister reiterated the arguments against the French colour-coded nutritional label Nutri-score as the forthcoming EU-wide food labelling scheme.

Agrifood 13-10-2022

German animal welfare label risks distorting EU market, critics say

Est. 5min

The German cabinet approved Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir's bill for a mandatory animal welfare label on Wednesday (12 October), but the opposition and farming associations warn of inconsistencies within the EU single market.

Agrifood 12-10-2022

Alcohol sector goes all in on e-labels amid mixed signals from EU

Est. 5min

Actions at the policy level and several initiatives pulled together by the alcohol industry point at digital means of conveying more information to consumers, but scepticism from part of the European Commission persists.

Agrifood 05-09-2022

Farm certification schemes could make the CAP greener

Est. 5min

European certifications could help the EU achieve its environmental ambitions, a recent study showed, though the findings raised questions among MEPs who expressed concern over quality controls and the impacts on farmers. 

Agrifood 14-07-2022

Top EU court backs Greece against Denmark in closure of feta export saga

Est. 4min

The European Court of Justice confirmed on Thursday (14 July) that the EU's protection for feta cheese also applies outside the bloc's borders in a much-awaited ruling that settles a long-standing cheese fight between Greece and Denmark.

Agrifood 08-06-2022

German minister presents plans for mandatory animal welfare label

Est. 5min

Every product produced and sold in Germany will soon have to indicate the conditions under which animals were kept, according to plans presented by German Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir on Tuesday (7 June). EURACTIV Germany reports.

Agrifood 01-04-2022

EU unveils revision of food quality scheme amid push to change the minimum

Est. 6min

The latest revamping of the EU’s geographical indications (GIs) policy was marked as "an evolution" without substantial changes but still ruffled the feathers of food producers and some member states, who would have liked to preserve the status quo of the framework.

Agrifood 10-02-2022

Austria tries to force-feed origin label to EU farm ministers

Est. 4min

While Austrian Agriculture Minister Elisabeth Köstinger was keen to put the question of a mandatory origin label on the table of this week’s informal ministerial meeting in Strasbourg, participants said it did not make the cut.

Agrifood 26-01-2022

Germany favours ‘pragmatic’ approach to animal welfare labelling

Est. 6min

Germany's agriculture ministry wants to approach the implementation of a national animal husbandry label "step by step", while also pushing an origin label at the EU level. EURACTIV Germany reports.

Agrifood 12-01-2022

MEPs concerned by ‘trademark’ approach for new geographical indications rules

Est. 4min

European lawmakers expressed concerns over a change of course in the EU's geographical indications (GIs) policy, drifting away from current rules and particularly European Commission supervision.

Agrifood 26-11-2021

France might drop support for Nutri-score, say Italians

Est. 4min

The French government is mulling over the possibility of not backing the French colour-coded nutritional label Nutri-score as the new EU-wide food labelling scheme, according to Italy's agriculture minister.

Agrifood 09-09-2021

Champagne makers mark first win in ‘Champanillo’ legal battle after EU court ruling

Est. 4min

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled that the EU's protected designation of origin (PDO) for foodstuff and drinks extends to services, allowing the French champagne lobby to carry off a tactical win in a legal battle against a small Spanish restaurant chain.

Agrifood 08-09-2021

Greek fires decimate honey sector, opening floodgates for cheap, fraudulent imports

Est. 5min

The wildfires that swept across Greece this summer have decimated the country's beekeeping sector, leaving it vulnerable to a barrage of cheap and potentially fraudulent honey imports, EU farmers’ association COPA-COGECA has warned.

Agrifood 19-08-2021

First post-Brexit protected food not in conflict with existing EU geographical indication

Est. 4min

There is no overlap between the first post-Brexit geographical indication under the new UK's framework and an existing one registered in the EU in 2003, EU and UK officials confirmed.