Food chain sustainability

Agrifood 29-01-2024

Agriculture ‘core area’ for EU’s 2040 climate targets – Commission report

Est. 3min

By 2040, the EU's agricultural sector should be able to cut non-CO2 emissions by at least 30% compared to 2015 levels, with livestock and fertiliser use key to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, a draft communication on the 2040 EU climate target states. 

Agrifood 19-01-2024

EU Parliament calls for looser environmental rules in Common Fisheries Policy reform

Est. 5min

The European Parliament voted on Thursday (18 January) in favour of two own-initiative reports on EU fisheries pushed by the conservative EPP, which drop some environmental bans and focus on fleet competitiveness, effectively calling for a reform of the bloc's Common Fisheries Policy.

Agrifood 18-01-2024

Von der Leyen will start strategic dialogue with food sector on 25 January

Est. 3min

Thirty European food chain organisations covering the entire chain have received an official invitation for a strategic dialogue with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on 25 January, industry sources told Euractiv.

Agrifood 23-03-2023

‘Carbon neutral’ food claims challenged under new Commission rules

Est. 4min

Food companies will be forced to justify claims such as carbon neutral under newly proposed plans from the European Commission as criticisms mount over the ‘rampant’ greenwashing found on supermarket shelves - but farmers warn plans must be fine-tuned for the specificities of the food sector.

Agrifood 20-03-2023

Stakeholders clash over environmental impact, viability of EU packaging law

Est. 5min

With the EU's new packaging law open to lawmakers' opinions, farmers and industry are questioning the environmental and socioeconomic impacts of the proposal while green groups warn against a 'zero-sum approach' to the matter.

Agrifood 17-03-2023

NGOs urge EU to oppose plans for world’s first octopus farm

Est. 4min

The European Union should oppose what could become the world's first octopus farm, two organisations said after plans for what they have termed a 'cruel' project to be located in the Canary Islands were announced.

Agrifood 06-01-2023

Belgian region ends force-feeding as last foie gras farm closes

Est. 3min

The Flemish region of Belgium, Flanders, will no longer force-feed animals to produce foie gras as the region after its last foie gras production plant closed at the start of 2023.

Agrifood 05-01-2023

China lifts ban on Irish beef imports, reopening multimillion-euro market

Est. 4min

China has lifted its 2020 ban on the import of Irish beef, putting the longstanding issue to rest and reopening a multimillion-euro market for Irish farmers.

Agrifood 02-01-2023

German minister wants to decriminalise dumpster diving

Est. 3min

To tackle the problem of food waste, German Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir is looking to decriminalise the practice of rescuing food from rubbish containers, including outside supermarkets, called dumpster diving.

Agrifood 22-12-2022

‘Enjoy, it’s from Europe’: Brussels announces fresh agri-food promotion plan

Est. 4min

The European Commission presented its annual working plan to help agri-food producers promote their products in the EU and abroad, with a focus on sustainability, quality, animal welfare, and healthy eating habits.

Agrifood 16-12-2022

EU’s global push on food sustainability standards raises hackles in third countries

Est. 4min

The EU’s ambition to hold third countries' food imports to its own sustainability standards has been met with consternation as stakeholders sounded the alarm in key trading partners, including Brazil and the US.

Agrifood 18-11-2022

EU countries see success in slashing veterinary antibiotics sales

Est. 4min

Sales of antibiotics used for animal use have almost halved between 2011-2021, according to a new report issued by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), putting the EU on track to attain its ambitions, but with a warning that the sector should not become complacent.

Agrifood 11-11-2022

Agribusiness to dominate ‘not inclusive’ COP27 talks, say stakeholders

Est. 5min

Farming initiatives at COP27 will be dominated by agri-business players and will lack farmers’ voices, sustainable campaigners and small-holders organisations have warned ahead of the global summit’s day devoted to agriculture.

Agrifood 01-11-2022

Germany tightens animal transport rules, urges EU-wide follow-up

Est. 4min

Germany will further restrict the transport of live animals to countries outside the EU, but without EU-wide regulation, the Agriculture Ministry's push could remain ineffective.

Agrifood 25-10-2022

Cut animal transport times to reduce rise of superbugs, says EU agency

Est. 4min

Animal transportation times should be cut to reduce the risk of spreading antimicrobial resistance, according to a new scientific opinion from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

Agrifood 13-10-2022

German animal welfare label risks distorting EU market, critics say

Est. 5min

The German cabinet approved Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir's bill for a mandatory animal welfare label on Wednesday (12 October), but the opposition and farming associations warn of inconsistencies within the EU single market.

Agrifood 28-09-2022

Patchwork energy prioritisation risks food chain disruption, industry warns

Est. 4min

EU countries' lack of cohesion in prioritising the agri-food sector for gas supply is sparking concerns of market disruptions among industry stakeholders while experts stress member states must coordinate to ensure consistency. 

Agrifood 05-09-2022

EU fruit, vegetable producers scramble to save harvest as energy prices soar

Est. 5min

Soaring energy bills have sent the EU’s horticulture sector scrambling to save their produce just as harvest time hits, leaving some debating whether to simply leave their crops to rot - and even whether to continue growing in the future.

Agrifood 25-08-2022

Europe searches for alternatives in fertiliser supply battle

Est. 5min

The battle for fertiliser, a vital commodity for food production, has emerged as one of the by-products of the Russia/Ukraine conflict, leaving states in Europe and elsewhere scrambling for alternative suppliers. Though alternatives exist there is no obvious quick fix.

Agrifood 01-07-2022

Germany’s nutrition strategy in-the-making needs more fleshing out

Est. 4min

A virtual meeting between German Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir and the country's associations on Wednesday (29 June) kick-started the development of a sustainable and healthy nutrition strategy, though expectations differ widely on the details.

Agrifood 08-04-2022

Industrial emissions proposal criticised by farming sector

Est. 6min

Lawmakers and stakeholders close to the agriculture community accused the EU executive of being disconnected from reality and creating additional bureaucracy after presenting new rules to curb pollution in the industrial sector.

Agrifood 14-03-2022

‘Invisible’ soy linked to deforestation hides in animal products, report shows

Est. 4min

Despite relatively low immediate consumption, European citizens assume a high quantity of soy indirectly mostly because of its use as animal feed, a report commissioned by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has found.

Agrifood 08-03-2022

Timmermans cautions against relaxing Green deal goals for sake of food security

Est. 5min

Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans stood up for the Green Deal objectives in the EU's farming policy despite the calls of prioritising food security aspects in the wake of supply disruptions caused by the Ukraine war.

Agrifood 22-02-2022

From backing bans to foie gras fans: The story behind the European Parliament’s U-turn

Est. 9min

The European Parliament has declared foie gras production respectful of animal welfare criteria in a new report, despite previously demanding a ban on force-feeding, which was called “cruel and unnecessary”. EURACTIV explores what is behind this change of heart.