CAP reform

Agrifood 31-05-2024

Do we need a biofuel police?

Est. 5min

At the transport and energy Council yesterday (30 May), France, Germany and the Netherlands called the European Commission to launch controls in 3rd countries to reinforce the mesures against the import of fraudulent biofuels. 

Agrifood 29-05-2024

After protests German farmers remain ‘very dissatisfied’ with federal government

Est. 4min

January farmers' rallies in Germany marked the beginning of European demonstrations, but while they have largely ebbed away, growers remain unsatisfied with how the national government works.

Agrifood 24-05-2024

Agrifood Special CAPitals Brief: the rules against unfair trade practices

Est. 11min

Our tour of the EU this time focuses on unfair trade practices (UTPs) in the food supply chain, such as late payments or sales below production costs.

Agrifood 08-05-2024

Commission to consider tools to speed up recovery of misspent agricultural funds

Est. 3min

The Commission will assess if there is a need to incentivise EU countries to shorten the time for the reclamation of irregular payments, a spokesperson said after the European Court of Auditors (ECA) highlighted the lengthy process to return improper disbursements to the EU budget.

Agrifood 07-05-2024

World Bank calls for sharp increase in investment to halve agrifood emissions

Est. 3min

Money invested in cutting agrifood emissions should increase 18-fold and reach around €240 billion per year if we want to halve emissions and put the world on track for net zero emissions by 2050, according to a World Bank study published on Tuesday (7 April). 

Agrifood 26-04-2024

CAP simplification will get more and more complicated

Est. 6min

Last week the European Parliament gave its final nod to a package meant to make the Common Agricultural Policy rules easier to apply for farmers and national administrations. But it is not the end of the CAP ‘simplification’ debate. It is just the beginning.

Agrifood 26-04-2024

Cocoa growers face production shortage as EU anti-deforestation rules loom

Est. 5min

As cocoa prices surge to record highs and Central and West African growers grapple with the impact of climate change, the cocoa sector is rushing to adapt its production to the EU anti-deforestation regulation (EUDR), which will take effect from January 2025.

Agrifood 19-04-2024

Commission changes view on controversial insecticide, set to propose zero residues in food

Est. 6min

In the next meeting on pesticides between the Commission and member states, on Monday and Tuesday, the bloc’s executive will table a regulation to slash to zero the insecticide thiacloprid residues in all food products, after having proposed to raise the limit of the maximum quantity of residues in imported food.

Agrifood 18-04-2024

More actions needed to make organic farming competitive, say stakeholders

Est. 3min

Amid fears that the EU will miss its target of 25% organic agriculture by 2030, stakeholders are calling for a more favourable policy framework to boost demand for organic products.

Agrifood 16-04-2024

EU experts increasingly worried about impact of extreme weather on food security

Est. 3min

Experts identified extreme weather as a primary challenge to food supply in Europe in an assessment of EU food security released by the European Commission on 16 April.

Agrifood 29-03-2024

Agrifood Special CAPitals: Generational renewal

Est. 12min

In 2020, almost one in three farm managers across the EU was 65 years or older. Generational renewal is among the main challenges of European agriculture, and supporting young farmers is one of the most important objectives of the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP).

Agrifood 22-03-2024

Melons, tomatoes and geopolitics

Est. 5min

Melons and tomatoes from the Western Sahara, the main crops in the contested territory, should be labelled as such and not as originating from Morocco, according to an opinion by Tamara Ćapeta, an advocate general at the EU’s top court, issued on Thursday (21 March).

Agrifood 19-03-2024

EU Parliament committee calls for more support for on-farm slaughter of animals

Est. 4min

Lawmakers on the European Parliament's Agriculture Committee backed the Commission's proposal to give farmers greater flexibility to slaughter animals on the farm and thus reduce the need for animal transport, but called for more assistance.

Agrifood 07-03-2024

EU is too dependent on animal feed and fertiliser imports, warns Parliament study

Est. 3min

The EU remains heavily reliant on animal feed and fertilisers imports from outside the bloc, as highlighted in a recent study commissioned by the European Parliament’s Agriculture Committee (AGRI).

Agrifood 22-02-2024

After farmers’ protests German Monopolies Commission warns against premature market intervention

Est. 5min

In the wake of the farmers' protests, the German government has tried to pin the blame on supermarkets. The German Monopolies Commission has now concluded that there are indeed imbalances, although it warns against hasty political decisions.

Agrifood 21-02-2024

Food corporations call for EU corporate due diligence law to be finalised

Est. 5min

While the EU's Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) is currently being blocked by Germany and Italy, high-profile food corporations are calling for its swift adoption to allow for "coherent and harmonised legislation" at EU level.

Agrifood 20-02-2024

EU needs to stimulate demand for organic food, stakeholders say

Est. 4min

In 2022 the area under organic agriculture and the number of producers increased, but the bloc faced a decline in organic food retail sales in 2022, according to the new report of the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture.

Agrifood 16-02-2024

Ukraine and us

Est. 5min

Tensions over renewed trade benefits to Ukraine were high last week, with the coming week shaping up to be just as fraught. 

The president of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and the president of the European Council Charles Michel
Agrifood 01-02-2024

Farmers ‘gain a seat’ at the EU leaders’ table

Est. 3min

After weeks of mobilisation across Europe, farmers' protests seem to have gained a political foothold in the conclusions of the European Council summit on Thursday (1 February) which acknowledged the “concerns raised” by the sector and the “essential role” of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

Agrifood 26-01-2024

Agrifood Special CAPitals: Climate adaptation

Est. 12min

Let’s dive straight into a tour of the EU, dedicated to how the CAP and national policies support farmers coping with the damages caused by extreme weather events.

Agrifood 26-01-2024

Germany’s Habeck wants market power of food industry scrutinised

Est. 5min

As nationwide farmers' protests continue, the German government wants to have the market power of supermarkets and the food industry scrutinised, blaming their price-setting power for the poor economic situation of many farms.

Elections 25-01-2024

Farmers’ protests are France’s first EU campaign battleground

Est. 6min

Road blockades across the country and growing exasperation from farmers are shaping up to be the first major political test for EU election candidates in France, as they attempt to court the agricultural community.

Agrifood 23-01-2024

French Green MEPs call for radical change in agricultural policy

Est. 4min

Amid growing farmers' protests across the EU, the French EU Greens chief on Tuesday (23 January) called for a new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) that temporarily insures farmers' pay and limitations on free trade deals that could undermine EU farmers' competitiveness.

Agrifood 22-01-2024

Carbon pricing for agriculture key to cutting emissions, say EU climate advisers

Est. 4min

Current policies are not a sufficient incentive for farmers to do more to achieve the EU climate targets, according to the European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change (ESABCC) experts, who warned of the need for a carbon pricing system for the sector.