Global Europe


How close is Ukraine to joining the EU?

Diplomats are racing against time to open negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to the European Union before Hungary takes over the rotating presidency of the Council of the EU on 1 July.


Which European states stand with Palestine?

As Israel widens the scope of its invasion of Gaza to the southern city of Rafah, four EU countries have today decided to officially recognise the state of Palestine, in line with the long-touted proposal for a 'two-state solution' to the Israel-Palestine conflict.


EU elections: The influence of Eastern Europe on Brussels politics

The 2004 Big Bang enlargement altered Europe's geopolitical landscape and, though its pace has slowed since then, new member states continue to influence and shape the EU's agenda and policies.

Economy 16-04-2024

Summit with focus on Iran’s attack and EU’s competitiveness

In this episode of our ‘Today in the EU’ podcast, we’re looking into this week's EU summit and the pressing topics on the agenda.

NATO 75th anniversary: spotlight on enlargement and countering Russia

On the latest episode of our daily podcast Today in the EU, we’re looking at today’s NATO meeting in Brussels.


EU leaders gather with a message: ‘Russia must not prevail’

In this episode of our daily podcast Today in the EU, we are looking at EU leaders gathering in Brussels on 21-22 March


From Ukraine to Gaza, EU foreign ministers face tough discussions

EU foreign affairs ministers are meeting in Brussels today, to discuss about a number of pressing issues at the very borders of the European Union. But what can we expect from this meeting?


Bulgaria and Romania to partially join Schengen – a bit too late?

On the latest episode of Euractiv’s Today in the EU we invited Georgi Gotev, our senior editor to take a deep dive into Bulgaria’s and Romania’s Schengen admission.

Technology 13-03-2024

AI Act voted in Strasbourg, military security issues omitted

On the latest episode of Euractiv’s Today in the EU, we’re looking into the AI Act vote in Strasbourg - and why the lack of reference to how AI will be used in the defence sector is causing some concern.

NATO new era: Who’s fit for its top job?

On the latest episode of Euractiv’s Today in the EU, all eyes are on the NATO military alliance, which is celebrating its 75th anniversary with two new members: Finland and Sweden.

Could Trump’s NATO remarks threaten European security?

With NATO defence ministers gathering in Brussels on Thursday (15 February), the meeting is being overshadowed by former US President Donald Trump’s recent remarks Washington might not protect European allies who are not spending enough on defence from a potential Russian attack.


EU wrestles with Israel over two-state solution

In this episode, the Beyond the Byline podcast looks into the EU’s new push towards a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Europe's East 12-01-2024

What are Hungary’s conditions for lifting its Ukraine Facility veto?

In this episode EURACTIV’s Beyond the Byline podcast takes a deep dive into the agreement reached by EU member states to initiate talks with the European Parliament concerning a €50 billion aid package for Ukraine.


WHO: Dire conditions at Gaza’s hospitals

This week, the Beyond the Byline podcast looks into the critical situation unfolding in Gaza's hospitals as Israel continues its military operations in the strip. Medical centres - once a refuge for civilians - have been struggling to continue to operate …

Enlargement 03-11-2023

VDL’s Western Balkan tour: Promises and warnings on EU enlargement

This week the Beyond the Byline podcast looks at Commission President Ursula von der Leyen's tour of the Western Balkans. The EU executive chief talked to leaders of Western Balkans countries to encourage their governments to continue their hard work to …


EU’s divisions on Gaza: Heading towards a change of tone?

This week, Euractiv’s Beyond the Byline podcast takes a look at the division sweeping across the EU amid mixed signals from officials on the Israel-Hamas war. EU leaders held a virtual conference on Tuesday (17 October) to decide their common stance …

Europe's East 05-10-2023

Nagorno-Karabakh: What is happening and what is the EU’s outlook?

This week, Euractiv’s Beyond the Byline podcast takes a deep dive into the evolving crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh. Thousands of ethnic Armenians living in the territory have been displaced following Azerbaijan's recent offensive to regain control of the contested enclave - …

EU enlargement: Time for decisions?

This week, EURACTIV’s Beyond the Byline podcast looks into the EU’s enlargement strategy. With Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine bringing the topic of EU enlargement back into sharp focus, the next political season could be crunch time for decisions that will …


Crisis in Russia: What now?

This week on Beyond the Byline, EURACTIV looks at the recent events that unfolded in Russia, presenting a major domestic incident for President Vladimir Putin. The crisis ensued when Yevgeny Prigozhin, founder of the Wagner Group, a Russian state-funded paramilitary organisation, …


Turkish Elections: what lies ahead?

As electoral fault lines emerge ahead of presidential elections in Turkey, can its democratic process prevail?

Eastern Europe 23-02-2023

How did a year of war shape Ukraine?

This week on the Beyond the Byline podcast, we are looking at the war in Ukraine, one year on from Russia's full-scale invasion. On February 24 2022, in the early hours of the morning, Russia launched missile attacks on Ukrainian …

Enlargement 02-02-2023

EU-Ukraine summit: Between show of support and dimmed accession hopes

This week on the Beyond the Byline podcast we discuss top EU leaders travelling to Ukraine to hold talks with a candidate country,  for the first time ever in an active war zone. Almost a year after Ukraine’s invasion by Russia, …


Sweden’s NATO bid: Is Erdogan blocking it to win the elections?

This week on the Beyond the Byline podcast we are discussing the tension between Turkey and Sweden, specifically how Turkey is blocking Sweden's accession to NATO. We’re also looking at the reasons behind Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's objections to Sweden's …

Politics 21-12-2022

From the war in Ukraine to Qatargate: How has 2022 shaped the EU?

This week on the Beyond the Byline podcast, we are wrapping up 2022 with a discussion on how this year has shaped the European Union, with Alberto Alemanno, Professor of Law at HEC Paris, and Robert Madelin, Senior Strategist at FIPRA International. With a …